Friday, October 18, 2013

Consumption IS Global One World Government, Currency WARS Are About Which Countries' DERIVATIVES Get Traded & Exchanged UNbridled Or Nuke Our World NATO

"I was on a conference call with many of them, and I heard across the board, a slowdown from the American consumer because of this narrative, so it's having an impact on our economy already – and it's going to have an impact on job creation at a time when we need more job creation," he added.


[SIDEBAR:  Consuming oblivion as though this is an earth life.  Blubbering piles of decay, isn't Emotional nor Intellectual Intelligence EQ nor IQ, and that is what the American 'Dream' got corrupted into.

The Nightmare ON ELM ST. IS the same IN CHINA as in the USA - consumption addiction is god and god is going to love the consumer that consumes the most consumption in earth because this is the greatest ideology programmed into the brain chemistry.  The CASINO GLOBAL FINANCIAL MAFIOSO are juggling for the greatest position of DERIVATIVE FRAUDSTER/S ever.]

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