USA BUFFOONS realizing the Grown Up World In Twenty First Century Isn't Impressed & Global Financial Mafioso Doesn't Accept The POSTURING FurtherMORE, neither do the American People None Of The MAJORITY
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Senate Paves Way to End Debt Impasse
WASHINGTON — Senate Democratic and Republican leaders on Wednesday reached final agreement on a deal to reopen the government and extend its borrowing authority into February, with final passage looking increasingly possible by Wednesday evening. The House speaker, John A. Boehner, Republican of Ohio, arrived for a meeting on Wednesday morning. Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the majority leader, arrived at the Capitol on Wednesday.
Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the majority leader, and Senator Mitch
McConnell of Kentucky, the Republican leader, announced the completion
of the agreement shortly after noon, and the Senate Republicans who had
led the push to shut down the government unless President Obama’s health
care law was gutted conceded defeat and promised not to delay a final
“This is not a time to point fingers of blame,” Mr. Reid said. “This is a time of reconciliation.”
The deal, with the government shutdown in its third week, yielded
virtually no concessions to the Republicans, other than some minor
tightening of income verifications for people obtaining subsidized
insurance under the new health care law.
Under the agreement, the government would be funded through Jan. 15, and
the debt ceiling would be raised until Feb. 7. The Senate will take up a
separate motion to instruct House and Senate negotiators to reach
accord by Dec. 13 on a long-term blueprint for tax and spending policies
over the next decade.
Mr. McConnell stressed that under the deal, budget cuts extracted in the
2011 fiscal showdown were not reversed, as some Democrats had wanted, a
slim reed that not even he claimed as a significant victory.
The deal, he said, “is far less than many of us hoped for, quite frankly, but far better than what some had sought.”
“It’s time for Republicans to unite behind other crucial goals,” he added.
Chastened Senate Republicans said they hoped the outcome would be a
learning experience for lawmakers in the House and the Senate who shut
down the government in hopes of gutting Mr. Obama’s signature domestic
achievement, the Affordable Care Act. Instead of using the twin
deadlines of an end to government funding and borrowing authority to
address the drivers of the federal deficit, conservatives focused on a
law they could never undo as long as Mr. Obama is president, several
senators said.
“We took some bread crumbs and left an entire meal on the table,” said
Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina. “This has been a
really bad two weeks for the Republican Party.”
Senator Richard Burr, Republican of North Carolina, took a swipe at
Senators Ted Cruz, Republican of Texas, and Mike Lee, Republican of
Utah, as well as House members who linked further funding of the
government to gutting the health care law, which is financed by its own
designated revenues and spending cuts.
“Let’s just say sometimes learning what can’t be accomplished is an
important long-term thing,” Mr. Burr said, “and hopefully for some of
the members they’ve learned it’s impossible to defund mandatory programs
by shutting down the federal government.”
But while Mr. Cruz conceded defeat, he did not express contrition.
“Unfortunately, the Washington establishment is failing to listen to the
American people,” he said as he emerged from a meeting of Senate
Republicans called to ratify the agreement.
Mr. Cruz promised not to use parliamentary tactics to block a final
vote, raising hopes that the government will be opened and the debt
ceiling will be lifted before Thursday, when the Treasury exhausts its
borrowing authority.
“From our side, I don’t see any evidence of delay,” said Senator Rand Paul, Republican of Kentucky and a Cruz ally.
Jay Carney, the White House press secretary, said that Mr. Obama
supported the compromise reached by the Senate leaders, and he urged
lawmakers in both chambers to pass it quickly.
Mr. Carney said the agreement “achieves what’s necessary” to reopen the
federal government after 16 days, and removes “the threat of economic
brinksmanship” that raised the possibility of a government default.
“We leave parliamentary procedures to the Congress,” he said. “But we
obviously hope that each house will be able to act swiftly. We are
already on Day 16 of a wholly unnecessary shutdown of government.”
A Democratic leader said the current plan was for the Senate to provide
the legislative language to the House, get a House vote, and then have
the Senate take up the bill, pass it, and perhaps send it to Mr. Obama
before the end of the day.
But House Republican leaders continued to ponder whether taking up a
measure first was in the best interest of their members, even as they
acknowledged that it would expedite and end what has been a
less-than-pleasurable legislative experience for their party.
It was not clear Wednesday morning whether the leaders would try to meet
with their entire conference before going to the floor, or simply move
to voting later in the afternoon, perhaps intuiting that a members’
meeting would be both raucous and unproductive.
House Democrats remained confused and angry. On a scale of 1 to 10,
“this is a 12,” in terms of ridiculousness, said Jackie Speier, Democrat
of California. “This is like a preschool that’s gone awry. I’ve been in
public office for 30 years, and I’ve never seen anything like it.”
Tuesday was supposed to bring Washington to the edge of resolving the
fiscal showdown, but instead there was chaos and retrenching. And a
bitter fight that had begun over stripping money from the president’s
signature health care law had essentially descended in the House into
one over whether lawmakers and their staff members would pay the full
cost of their health insurance premiums, unlike most workers at American
companies, and how to restrict the administration from using
flexibility to extend the debt limit beyond a fixed deadline.
Even so, the House speaker, John A. Boehner, Republican of Ohio, and his
leadership team failed in repeated, daylong attempts to bring their
troops behind any bill that would reopen the government and extend the
Treasury’s debt limit on terms significantly reduced from their original
push against financing for the health care law. The House’s hard-core
conservatives and some more pragmatic Republicans were nearing open
revolt, and the leadership was forced twice to back away from proposals
it had floated, the second time sending lawmakers home for the night to
await a decision on how to proceed Wednesday.
“We’re trying to find a way through it,” said Representative Greg Walden
of Oregon, the chairman of the National Republican Congressional
Committee, emerging from Mr. Boehner’s office to announce that no votes
would be held Tuesday night.
The House setback returned the focus to the Senate, where the leadership
had suspended talks after the Senate Republican leadership opted to
give the House a chance to produce an alternative to the Senate measure
taking shape.
Given the progress that had been made in the Senate, Congressional
Democrats and officials at the White House criticized Mr. Boehner’s move
on Tuesday as an attempt to sabotage the bipartisan Senate talks even
as they seemed to be nearing an agreement.
Initially, Mr. Boehner proposed a bill to reopen the government until
Jan. 15, extend the debt ceiling until Feb. 7, delay a tax on medical
devices two years and deny members of Congress, the president, the vice
president and White House political appointees taxpayer subsidies to
help buy insurance on President Obama’s health insurance exchanges.
“We’re trying to find a way forward in a bipartisan way that would
continue to provide fairness to the American people under Obamacare,”
Mr. Boehner said as he acknowledged “there are a lot of opinions” among
his rambunctious members.
By Tuesday afternoon, House Republican leaders were back with a new
proposal to finance the government through Dec. 15, extend the debt
ceiling into February and deprive not only lawmakers but all their staff
members of employer assistance to buy their health care. By extending
that provision to staff members, Republican leaders hoped to appeal to
the party’s far-right flank, but the proposal angered more moderate
Republicans and was not enough for the conservative hard core.
Complicating the speaker’s task, Heritage Action, the conservative
Heritage Foundation’s political arm, which wields great influence with
the most conservative elements of the Republican Party, opposed the
“I think there’s always hope there can be a final package I can vote on,
but this is not the one,” said Representative Ted Yoho, Republican of
Florida, as he and two other Tea Party conservatives left the speaker’s
Republican leaders had initially hoped the loss of members like Mr. Yoho
could be made up with support from Democrats. But Democratic leaders
made it clear they would offer no assistance. Democrats latched on to a
provision in the House proposals that would have forbidden the Treasury
to juggle government accounts — so-called extraordinary measures — to
meet obligations beyond a debt-ceiling deadline.
In the midst of the turmoil, the credit rating agency Fitch put the
United States on a “negative ratings watch,” warning that Congressional
intransigence had put the full faith and credit of the government at
The news came as the Treasury Department said it had only about $35
billion in cash on hand. It expects to run out of “extraordinary
measures” to keep on paying all of the government’s bills on Thursday,
at which point outgoing payments might exceed that cash, plus any
revenue, on any day going forward.
As the United States nears default, investors have demanded more
compensation for lending to the government, with yields on short-term
debt spiking to their highest levels in years.
Fitch warned that Congress has not “raised the federal debt ceiling in a
timely manner.” It said that it “continues to believe that the debt
ceiling will be raised soon,” but that “political brinkmanship and
reduced financing flexibility could increase the risk of a U.S.
Annie Lowrey and Ashley Parker contributed reporting.
When CONGRESS fakes the money sovereignty truth, so that IT, Congress, Can literally eat the whole reality of credit only for them, they, those that can't think because the poisoning has been slow but certain and all we get are infantile cry babies Democrat-Republican No Difference in the dependency on all US wee real people Americans