Fracked Oil Spill Disaster in North Dakota. 865,200 Gallons. Among Biggest Onshore Spills in Recent US. History
Public In Dark Due to Government Shutdown By Steve Horn Global Research, October 11, 2013 desmogblog.com
Though the spill occurred on September 29, the U.S. National Response Center – tasked with responding to chemical and oil spills – did not make the report available until October 8 due to the ongoing government shutdown.
“The center generally makes such reports available on its website within 24 hours of their filing, but services were interrupted last week because of the U.S. government shutdown,” explained Reuters.
Asian Tribune is published by World Institute For Asian Studies|Powered by WIAS Vol. 12 No. 537
Fracking: Britain’s ambition to become Saudi Arabia of Natural Gas
Hemantha Abeywardena writes from London…

Fracking, also known as hydraulic fracturing, is a technique that uses a liquid – often water –at extremely high pressure to create fissures within the shale formations of the earth in order to create paths for gas deposits to flow into pipes placed at deeper levels, underground.
The ambitious project was halted some months ago, as the process caused two mini earthquakes in Blackpool, North West England. Subsequently, Cuadrilla Resources, the company behind the project launched an investigation into the two seismic events and concluded that they were actually caused by fracking. In addition, three independent panels, appointed by the government, reviewed the findings and drew the same conclusion; the tremors are man-made – or machinery made, to be precise.
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