Americans aren't smart enough to figure out that we've been really destroyed financially and the damage degree of the current horror Jack The Wall Street Ripper can't begin to be calculated.
Stealing all the people's wealth that can be stolen, harming all the people that are vulnerable, and killing-murder, cold-blooded slaughtering - taking as many people as can be targeted and allowing psychopaths with weapons globally, too, to kill indiscriminately just like what happened in China in the Opium Wars. This is 2013, however.
What the systems have caused are in the measurement of the financial collapse. Fraud can't be but what it is and FRAUD of the Federal Reserve System [Fed] has at long last caught up?
The COURTS need to get rid of every so called 'Judge' that has been against the U.S. Constitution in the period of time that the Fed has been controlling their retirements.
Conflicts of interest are: not understanding money sovereignty in a sovereign nation that is a 'state of laws', and allowing the Fed to own the 'money'.
Rots-Child's Family [RF] of Paedophilia Metzitzah b'peh practitioners have stolen America's money sovereignty. Not one 'lawyer' in high power position/s schooled in the sovereign consequence of this, or we would not be a failed USA. RF said that it didn't care about a nations' laws. That was because IT, the technology owned by RF, was the all-powerful money exchange developing as 'modern society' also grew. Of course all growth has been mostly manipulated in the 'free market' via RF.
RF 'hires' governments to operate ITS' social structure in a certain land mass that is earth, and the RF believes earth belongs to IT, them-they-those that are criminally insane.
But, Americans aren't to know what is going on so the reality can be an actual choice between all the parties to the contract.
The contract of life. When life costs, the whole body-mind-spirit PAID to RF and ITS' agents globally, the human being to live in earth's nature is owed still in Century Twenty-one to RF?!
Perhaps Americans can get smart enough to reevaluate RF, all agents & ITS' genuine contribution to 'life' in the journey we individually 'choose'?
Americans have a choice, all humans always do. Do we human Americans choose to really get smart? Hillary Clinton runs her entire 'campaign' on this message so let us wise up and get SMARTER about money liberty immediately. Hillary should understand, a lawyer and former duo president with Bill.