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Bandar Bush |
Friday, September 13, 2013, The New York Times:
“ Saudi Arabia, quietly cooperating with American and British intelligence and other Arab governments, has modestly increased deliveries of weapons to rebels fighting in Southern Syria, the rebels say…Publicly the Saudis expressed patience with pro-monarchy newspapers saying that the negotiations over Syrian chemical weapons would probably founder and that American military strikes would follow sooner or later. But behind the scenes analysts say, leaders in Saudi Arabia and allies like Qatar chafed as rebel leaders fumed that their larger need – a way to shift the balance in the two-year old civil war – was being ignored…for months, Saudi Arabia has been quietly funneling arms, including antitank missiles, to Free Syrian Army groups through Jordan, working covertly with American and British intelligence and Arab governments that do not want their support publicly known…Gen. Salim Idris, the nominal commander of the Free Syrian Army, declared his ‘absolute rejection’ of the chemical weapons deal offered by the Syrian and Russian governments.”

On July 28, 2013 The New York Times headlined:
“Worries mount as Syria Lures West’s Muslims; Radical Fighters seen as Threat on Return ..’Syria has become really the predominant jihadist battlefield in the world’ “Matthew G. Olsen, the director of the National Counterterrorism Center told a security conference in Aspen, Colorado this month. He added, ‘The concern going forward from a threat perspective is there are individuals traveling to Syria becoming further radicalized, becoming trained and then returning as part of really a global jihadist movement to Western Europe and potentially, to the United States.’” “More Westerners are now fighting in Syria than fought in conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia or Yemen…there is concern that they will come back with a burst of jihadist zeal, some semblance of military discipline, enhanced weapons and explosives skills, and in the worst case, orders from affiliates of Al Qaeda to carry out terrorist strikes.”
It should by now be clear
that among the deadliest weapons of mass destruction are he
exponentially increasing and expanding jihadists, especially “martyr
brigades” of suicide bombers., infiltrating, metastasizing,
destabilizing normally functional independent societies. It is strange,
indeed, that no genuine attempt is being made to stanch the increasing
spread of religious terrorists that prey upon and are spawned by
increasing numbers of economically destitute areas of the developing
world – and elsewhere. This scourge spreads daily – by October 10th The New York Times reports:
“Extremist group Based in Somalia Gains Foothold in Kenya: Kenya’s slums have long provided a fertile recruiting ground for Muslim extremists.” The utility of the jihadist weapon of mass destruction in implementing and advancing the geopolitical interests of Western capitalism is increasingly obvious. Syria is the fulcrum beyond which lies the exorbitant riches of natural gas and oil in Russia and Central Asia, stretching to China, the burgeoning superpower whose rise to global prominence threatens the dominance of the West. In this larger context, reports leaked in the London Telegraph on August 30, 2013 of a meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan expose the Western blueprint for dominance. Among these reports, Prince Bandar threatens President Putin that if he does not agree to help force Syrian President Assad from power, Chechen terrorist attacks may be carried out on the Russian hosted Winter Olympics next year in Sochi. Bandar is quoted stating: “The Chechen groups that threaten the security of the games are controlled by us.”According to these leaked reports, Putin replied:
“We know that you have supported the Chechen terrorist groups for decades And that support, which you have frankly talked about just now, is completely incompatible with the common objectives of fighting terrorism that you mentioned.” Bandar evidently replied that there would be no escape from the military option of Russia declines the Saudi ultimatum.
On July 4th, according to The New York Times,
“Russia’s most wanted terrorist, Doku Umarov uttered his most direct threat to date that he plans to attack the Winter Olympic Games that Russia will host next year. The Caucasus Emirate, led by Mr. Umarov – a former Chechen nationalist leader who now heads a broad Muslim separatist movement and advocates global jihad – and its predecessor organizations in the Chechen independence movement of the 1990’s have a record of staging horrific terrorist attacks…’In 2010 Mr. Umarov took responsibility for two separate suicide bombings on the Moscow subway. The bombings killed 40 Muscovites. Mr. Umarov also claimed responsibility for the 2011 attack on Moscow’s Domodedovo Airport which resulted in the slaughter of a huge number of innocent civilians.”
The New York Times, August 9, 2013 headlined:
“Militants flood havens in Syria posing a threat: 6,000 Foreign Fighters – Western Officials Fear Qaeda Rise.” “Western intelligence officials describe this influx of foreign Islamic militants as ‘one of the biggest terrorist threats in the world today.’ “Many are assembling under a new, even more extreme umbrella group, the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, that is merging some Syrians with fighters from around the world – Chechnya, Pakistan, Egypt and the West as well as Al Qaeda in Iraq.” “Known as fierce fighters, willing to employ suicide car bombs, the jihadist groups now include more than 6,000 foreigners, counterterrorism officials say…In Raqqa recently a commander of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, a Syrian, described this movement’s goals as reaching far beyond the country’s borders. He did not speak of attacking the United States. But he threatened Russia, suggesting that Russia is a legitimate target. This week the jihadist group Jaish al-Muhajireen wal Ansar, or the Army of Emigrants and Supporters, led by a fighter from the Caucasus known as Abu Omar al Shesheni – the Chechen – worked with Free Syrian Army battalions to take the Menagh air base in Aleppo Province after 10 months of trying.”Every country that US-NATO has attacked, ostensibly to impose and enforce ‘democracy,’ from Afghanistan to Iraq, Libya and now Syria, has disintegrated into havens for Islamic terrorists, deadly conflicts between religious extremist factions, spawned by economic disasters resulting from Western military attacks and the destruction of their hitherto functioning economic and social infrastructure. This social and economic infrastructure had, prior to US-NATO military intervention, provided health and education facilities for their citizens, who are now ravaged and overrun by terrorism, criminal gangs, etc.
The September 29 New York Times envisioned a “remapped Middle East” where “5 countries could become 14″. Absent a coherent nation state government apparatus, the entire area is ripe and vulnerable for plunder by capitalism’s multinational corporate entities – transnational predators denuding the area of its wealth of resources.
With this spreading
deterioration in sovereignty and territorial integrity, one cannot deny
the legitimacy of China’s fear that the Uighur separatist movement may
ultimate pose such a potential threat to China’s survival. According to
recent reports, Uighur separatist agitation continues within the
Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region, a strategically important area in
Western China bordering Central Asia.
Increasing Global poverty assures an inexhaustible supply of foot-soldiers for terrorist operations, foot-soldiers whose destitution in this world makes them willing to violently leave it for religion’s promise of 70 virgins and hope in the afterlife beyond a martyr’s death.
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