Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Citizens for Self-Governance

The government shut down is over, but we won't give up on changing Washington.

Citizens for Self-Governance is fighting to put the power back into the hands of the American people. There’s a great deal to fix:

The Shut Down revealed the President as our “Bully-in-Chief.”

CSG founder Mark Meckler says, “We should’ve seen the Presidential Punisher coming.”

An Iraq war vet and Constitutional attorney breaks down how the shut down dishonored soldiers.

Plus, the ObamaCare rollout is one of the most epic failures in American history.

Read why a Florida congressman voted no on the Continuing Resolution to end the government shutdown because it flies in the face of self-governance.

And Common Core continues to be one big gamble.

As we go about our daily lives, it’s tempting to forget about politics. However, we won’t be bullied into submission.

Stand with us. Support self governance.  The CSG Team

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