Dogs don't put up with bad spirits 'BS'. No, Dogs are intuitive and know when the demons are possessing the space where angels are supposed to be teaching us how to fly.
Holes in our souls even in HELL Earth. There are the personalized demons now watching, messing with the electromagnetic frequencies.
We are here and IT is Earth HELL. No one gets to live what gets to look like HEAVEN, ITS' the HOLOGRAM, fake, not real, FRAUD. ARTIFICIALITY. In two words, Holly Wood.
IT takes a lot of courage to master demons, and the LIGHT spirits are not but the boldest of love to conquer the vile evil that only demons can know.
We human beings in earth pay a select people to live and the place is a Ghetto Hell. The select human beings that charge the majority of humans to live are beyond criminally insane - they, their offspring, all the 'agents' that 'they' EMPLOY as EG, governments.
Certain words already trigger the demons, watching-waiting-messing with our minds never-ending spooky happenings (ITS' as though a demon lurks within OUR very own SKIN, say the greatest organ 'human physical body' is infected? The infection? Vaccinations put demons in every molecular physics of the human being body.) But, what about the poisons everywhere in the intention of possessing the human as human 'breath'?!
PAVLOV was very bad for the light spirits and the time has now arrived for the memory to 'enlighten' our CELLS which need clean oxygen and water and LOVE lots and lots of love.
LOVE COSTS and that is the HELL EARTH not intended.
How did HELL EARTH get made? HEAVEN EARTH is the 'image' which can be, but isn't.
Are we here all together and the demons are possessing how many? TOO BIG TO FAIL too many.
Our JOB in HELL EARTH is to keep the criminally insane from completely destroying the place where toxic physical organism gets an opportunity to heal in learning how to actually BREATHE THE LIGHT, and other kinds of mysteries unexplored.
Demons have made frustration the bully - back to this - keep closely TUNED-IN, gotta figure the 'timing' .. to be continued ...
LOVE COSTS and that is the HELL EARTH not intended.
How did HELL EARTH get made? HEAVEN EARTH is the 'image' which can be, but isn't.
Are we here all together and the demons are possessing how many? TOO BIG TO FAIL too many.
Our JOB in HELL EARTH is to keep the criminally insane from completely destroying the place where toxic physical organism gets an opportunity to heal in learning how to actually BREATHE THE LIGHT, and other kinds of mysteries unexplored.
Demons have made frustration the bully - back to this - keep closely TUNED-IN, gotta figure the 'timing' .. to be continued ...
Earth Is HELL EARTH, and there are many HELL EARTHS? HEAVEN EARTH isn't and absolutely we must get this as reality VIA 'imagination'