Monday, October 7, 2013


US troops in Afghanistan 
Oct 7, 2013

History abandons Israeli regime
US troops in Afghanistan
Sun Oct 6, 2013 4:48AM GMT

By Gordon Duff
COMMENTS:  There are many who believe 9/11 was some major terrorist event however years ago there was a far more senister one in which not only the entier US population was at risk but a good portion of the world as well. Three persons had a shared destiny with that event. They were Roland Andhory a pharmacudical salesman from the netherlands, Craige Maxin a delta force operative and John McCrillis a former asset of William Casey who was the directer of Cental Intellagence. All three of use were hit with a biological agent to elliminate us quietly by the Isrealie Mossad. When the facts to that event finally go public not only will the popualion of the US be outraged but the rest of the world will pause and question the Isrealie presence around them globaly.

…America can’t fight any more wars. Our military is gone, not that we don’t have weapons. We are drowning in them.

We have half a million broken soldiers, one million broken young veterans and two million more left over from other wars.

We have a population that no longer believes the news, a population that thinks “false flag” at every staged false flag incident.”
It isn’t just Netanyahu. The controlled media is working 24 hours a day to make it seem like America will do Israel’s bidding in yet another round of wars fought for oil, drugs, stolen human organs, stock market scams or whatever the “flavor of the month” in Tel Aviv is.

It just isn’t going to happen.

I don’t care what this interview or that pundit say, America can’t fight any more wars. Our military is gone, not that we don’t have weapons. We are drowning in them. 

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