Sunday, October 13, 2013

USA Shutdown Ted Cruz, & last time 1995, Newt Ginrich, Rand Paul ~2016? NO~POTUS#45~Hillary NOR Billy

White House EBT Card Does Not Work Anymore

Slut-down Gov USA, wide open Biz secret spot/s or call the shadow Mafioso Global Financial All Powerful?

Transparency factor was already out in the public domain.  Shut-up about the Shutdown!  The whole game is about Americans are powerless; and, we're psychopaths, POTUSES.

We lie and the truth can always be known in the opposite of what's said.  Paid huge sums of whatever we ask for to get whatever we want and / or need.  Paid to lie and the whole game is Political Ponerology, this is the newer cycle of time.

Each spin in the 'colonizing' earth, all natural resources and any and all 'creations and / or co-creations' get to be owned by those that can kill in cold blood and lie as though this dark cunning has merit in the idea of real.  Getting far and far worse for the majority and greater ill gotten gains for the fewer.  We the fewer thrive on mass murdering our own species and taking all earth as ours'.

Hillary in 2016?  No, that isn't going to be.  Destroying the old worn out America is a necessary death, she is too be a sacrificial lamb to the new world order cause.

Ted Cruz, Newt Ginrich, Rand Paul, 2016 US Shutdown

>>US shutdown: 1995 flashback when Newt Gingrich was 'snubbed' on Air Force One >>  When the US government last shut down in late 1995, the Republican leader Newt Gingrich said that a "snub" by President Bill Clinton during a plane ride on Air Force One contributed to the stand-off.

The then Speaker of the House of Representatives felt "insulted" and "appalled" that Mr Clinton did not invite him and his Senate counterpart Bob Dole to the front of the plane for budget crisis talks during a 25 hour flight for the funeral of Yitzhak Rabin, the Israeli prime minister.

Obama Spoiling it For Hillary

1 comment:

  1. Slut-down USA 2013, What does the 1995 Slut-down have in common other than Newt Ginrich and Billy Clinton and the FRAUD of shutting GovUSA
