Tuesday, October 22, 2013

We Need To Be Preparing For The Collapse, Fannie Freddie, IE FRAUD

Neil Garfield, Living Lies Blog
We need to be preparing for the collapse of the illusion and get the other financial institutions — 7,000 community and regional banks and credit unions — ready to take on the changes caused by the absence of the so-called major banks who are really fictitious entities without a foundation related to economic reality. The backbone is already available — electronic funds transfer is as available to the smallest bank as it is to the largest. It is an outright lie that we need the TBTF banks. They have failed and cannot recover because of the enormity of the lies they told the world. It’s over.


1 comment:

  1. Plan "B" is how to manage our own USA credit manufacturing, 'Mony' sovereignty! OR, choice is, debt slavery gulag global to the Rots-Child & Chinese, Russia, Et Al Dictators and Global Mafioso Mass Murderers
