Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Part II: Magnetometer and Hurricane Correlations with 9/11, 2001

On the days prior to September 11, 2001, the earth's magnetic field was quite stable, as Hurricane Erin tracked directly up the -15 line of that field toward New York City as a category 3 storm. Then on 9/11, the magnetic field readings went all over the place in 100% correspondence to WTC 1, 2, and later WTC 7 going largely to dust.
by Sterling D. Allan

Pure Energy Systems News

Dust to Dust

Last December, I published a fairly lengthy Part I of a report I wrote regarding Dr. Judy Wood's book, Where did the Towers Go: Evidence of Directed Free-Energy Technology on 9/11 (see

Sky view of WTC wreckage on September 27. Click for enlargement.
Source: Wood insert, and p. 147, fig. 144.

Some of the highlights from that report include showing photographs of an ambulance parked about 30 feet in front of World Trade Center (WTC) building 1 essentially undamaged with a clear spot of sidewalk next to it, standing higher than the rubble around it, even as most of the WTC buildings around it were largely obliterated.

It wasn't just buildings 1, 2, and 7 that turned to dust that day. The height of those buildings does not correspond to the lack of height of the rubble pile that resulted.
  • 22-story, WTC 3: completely gone except for one little corner. 
  • 9-story WTC 4, 3/4 gone, to the ground, with one wing remaining. 
  • 8-story WTC 6, half gone, to the ground, cored out in the middle, but not its edges. 
  • 9-story WTC 5 was essentially the only one remaining mostly intact, except for what appears to be limited crushing damage from sizeable fragments.
There was something going on that day that goes far beyond just nanothermite demolition charges being prepositioned inside buildings 1, 2, and 7 to bring them down in near free-fall speed (building 7, which wasn't hit by a plane, actually fell at free-fall speed for much of its descent).

We showed images to illustrate that as the buildings fell you could see individual pieces going to dust, even as they descended, so that by the time they hit the ground, most of the material had turned to dust, which wafted away in a huge cloud.

The pile from building 1 alone should have been taller than the 9-story building 5, which was the only building left largely in tact, yet there sits this ambulance in front of the building, not even impacted.

If it had been the collapse of buildings 1 and 2 that caused the damage to buildings 3, 4 and 6, then that collapsing debris would have cremated the ambulance and buried it beneath a pile of rubble.

We also pointed out that the basement of the WTC complex was nearly completely un-damaged. The buildings from above did not smash through the ground level and penetrate into the sub-floors. We also pointed out that the seismic signature from the building "collapse" was consistent with the removal of the weight of the buildings, but not of their collapse.

As Judy notes as the primary premise of her excellent book, those buildings turned to dust. They did not "collapse."

Something else was under way that day -- and it doesn't have anything to do with jets flying into buildings by amateur pilots. It is some kind of advanced weaponry that was being displayed; and she thinks it was a demonstration of John Hutchison type effects on a massive scale. Hence the subtitle of her book: Evidence of Directed Free-Energy Technology on 9/11.

Source: Wood, pp. 380-381 and pp. 470-471.
What I would like to touch on in this belated Part II of this series are a couple of phenomenon that happened that day -- magnetic field manipulation and hurricane steering -- that most likely played into the setting that made this weaponry effect possible of turning most of the WTC buildings to dust. The level of sophistication represented here, and the ability to manipulate what most of us think of as phenomenon of nature -- acts of God alone -- is so high that most people would immediately brush it off as nonsense to even think for a second that the nefarious people who brought that destruction used these tools as part of their arsenal.

Since the primary cause of disbelief  when it comes to the events of 9/11 has nothing to do with fact and everything to do with cognitive dissonance -- not wanting to believe because of the horrific ramifications of accepting the information as true -- I implore of you to put aside your world view, and to just look at the data as a scientist would, dispassionately, weighing the facts.


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