Thursday, September 12, 2013


Israeli troops clash with Palestinians at West Bank tomb

So with the Balfour Decision and the Zionist Congress of 1897, earth got the state called Israel inserted.  The world gets to be in a state of imbalance from that point to now.  Oh yes.  There are lots of humans who are self loathing and want self love.  These are the most vulnerable of our human being species because their minds are not strong enough to be not a superstitious blubbering pile of protoplasm.  What we have is the experiment of how to yoke humans with the ideology of religion and then manufacture the hoax of a chosen amongst this ideology and wow, brainwash-propagandize and whatever can be done to control the poor unsuspecting fool's brain.  The mind is no longer a free spiraling universe within a universe.  The mind of the human has become a battery to be used and abused.  This could very well be the extinction of the species 'homo-sapiens' due to the obvious.  Hillary thinks Russia got over Bill Rockefeller impeached US President and her war crimes against the Federation, she's dead wrong.  Furthermore, US was very stupid in thinking the USSR was no more and the USA could erect Bill Rockefeller's bronze statue like the one torn down of the dictator they called President Hussein of Iraq.  Pitiful.  The crew in charge of deciding higher choices of intelligence in the once super power USA are to be pitied because the dumber than boxes of rocks don't understand religion is just as much a yoke hoax when worshiped as though digital dust could purchase nature's almighty invisible powers. AND SO TRAGICALLY we the people common ordinary get punished for the teeth chewers of sour and rotten ideologies that spit and do other nasty STINK behaviors because they're bad seeds and can't ever be trusted to grow healthy in their minds-- not it appears this life in earth.


RT sources: Syrian rebels plan chem attack on Israel from Assad-controlled territories

Published time: September 09, 2013 15:59
Edited time: September 10, 2013 12:58

AFP Photo / Ricardo Garcia Vilanovoa
Download video (24.47 MB) A chemical attack may be launched on Israel by Syrian rebels from government-controlled territories as a "major provocation," multiple sources told RT.
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The report comes as Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov proposed that Syria puts its chemical weapons arsenal under international control for subsequent destruction in order to prevent a possible military strike against the war-torn country.

Moscow also urged Syrian authorities to join the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. The offer has already been passed over to Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem, who met Lavrov in Moscow for talks on Monday.
We don’t know if Syria will accept the offer, but if imposing international control over chemical weapons stored in the country can help to avoid military strikes, we are immediately going to start working with Damascus,” Lavrov said.

The Syrian Foreign Ministry has welcomed Moscow's initiative, “based on the Syrian’s government care about the lives of our people and security of our country,” Muallem said later on Monday.
Meanwhile, US National Security Adviser Susan Rice made a statement saying that Damascus' alleged "use of chemical weapons against its own people" posed a threat to US national security. “The use of chemical weapons also directly threatens our closest ally in the region, Israel,” she said, speaking at the New America Foundation in Washington.

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