Sunday, March 24, 2013

"The Convenient DIVISION of GOOD and EVIL," Anti-Muslim Militants, Commanders, Resistance Movement To Replace ALL Muslim Immigrants With "Patriotic" Regimes, Et Cetera

Andres Behring Breivik
Not About Fear ... "BIBI"

<Israeli children sleeping .. Gaza border during rocket attacks .. Nov 14, 2012

2011, Norwegian mass killer-murderer> Anders B. Breivik> killed 77 ~ teenagers & adults .. bomb & shooting spree .. self-styled anti-Muslim militant denied criminal guilt .. he .. commander .. resistance movement .. to overthrow European governments .. replace "patriotic" regimes .. deport Muslim immigrants.... ~

Obama speech .. Israel NO doubt about Netanyahu ~Sometimes .. someone .. outside, like Obama, like it is:  Israelis,

you've got to stop the occupation

you've got a great country, but ...

Israeli Operation Pillar of Cloud On Gaza
By Khalid Amayreh – It should be amply clear by now that President Obama’s visit to Occupied Palestine has been a great disappointment, especially for those who had counted on him to revive the moribund peace process between Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA).Indeed, during his 3-day visit, the lion’s share of which was devoted to heaping praise on the racist Zionist entity, the American president said very little apart from regurgitating the same old lies, half-truths and platitudes that we had heard ad nauseam from every American President since Truman.

"... The lunatic  Netanyahu ...."
Jewish Organ Grinder's Monkey
The New York Review of Books

~It’s Not Just About Fear, Bibi, It’s About HOPELESSNESS,  January 10, 2013<CLICK~ For five years Kol Aher (the Other Voice) has carried out a dialogue with residents of Gaza. This has been a conscious effort to avoid being swept away by the floodwaters of hatred and dehumanization. It was a decision to see people, as opposed to bombs and missiles. It was a decision to preserve human sanity within a landscape of violence. It was a decision to include another narrative—precisely because it was so difficult to witness, with broken hearts, the destruction and trauma, the endless distress, experienced by our friends on the other side of the fence. This is why it was extremely difficult for us during the war, because we always experience this situation in multiple dimensions, not just the convenient division of “good” and “evil.”

Yet Kol Aher is also a clear political call for negotiations, for dialogue with Hamas—direct or indirect—to lift the siege and blockade of Gaza, to open the border crossings, to establish security arrangements and international guarantees, to promote commerce—taking into account the changes in the Arab world—and to slay the beast of occupation. It is an almost desperate attempt we make—here of all places—to raise another voice in a shrinking democracy, in which it is barely a footnote drowned out in the pervasive noise of media shouting with the intoxication of power and the ecstasy of war.

Pillar of Defense was not my war, Bibi. The despair, however, is completely mine. Private and profound, and draining and weakening. In view of past history, it’s hard to be optimistic about the cease-fire negotiated under Egyptian auspices, which was announced on November 21. Twelve years of hopeless rounds of violence leave their marks. In the first years, there is still hope that things might be different in the future. Then there is only an illusion of hope. Then you are struck with the realization that violence is here to stay, and it will get worse with each escalation. That war is the most consistent and constant feature of our lives, almost a kind of ideal. That there aren’t leaders now or on the horizon who are strong enough, who would have the mandate to address the most pressing questions. Soon enough there won’t be any need of questions; neither will there be anyone left who cares to ask them.

Life is hard when there’s nothing left to believe in. It’s hard in Sderot. It’s very hard in Gaza. There is a price to hopelessness, Bibi. A blocked horizon. Closed-off consciousness. Life without hope exacts a heavy mental price. We will continue to raise another voice in the dwindling light, as we wait anxiously for the next bloody round, in which we’ll surely succeed at “finishing the job,” and do, as always, what we seem to do better than any other: “Jonathan/Jonathan,/a bit of blood,/just a bit more blood/to top off the honey.”

—Translated from the Hebrew by Avi Steinberg

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