Sunday, July 21, 2013


Chris Hedges must, as we all must, GET UNDERSTANDING.

REAL is getting a real grip about the true REALITY about REALITY.

Reality is energy and energy is reality which is all energy and whatever then is real is innate or active energy, reality.

A paradigm shifted in the universe and we all know this intuitively as 'human'.

We cannot stop the decision of nature and nature is US, all.  We have decided to bring this experiment into full fruition and those that have decided to be separate from MOTHER EARTH are indeed going to get what has been manufactured to be IN 'their' reality.

FAITH is not HOPE and therefore, no pink unicorns are showing up to parade the pony into a circus where at least one ring has enough dumb to sit still for the rest of the horror show.  WE REAP WHAT WE SOW, so to speak, the unseen does indeed become seen.

OUR SYSTEMS were and are designed by the antiquated inbred of our species, those that have mutilated their 'own' in so many unbelievably inhuman forms.  This most unfortunate faction has been here before, the crossroads, where earth got done with the corrupted contamination.

You are correct, Chris Hedges, in that, this time the earth shall transform as VANGA the Russian seer saw.  It has to be this way because so called CIVILIZATION isn't.  The world isn't civilized and the land mass that was discovered to be an ENLIGHTENMENT ['Amerikka'] for humans to become whole and have the full power to exercise the total 'human' 'Christ' like experience, isn't.

We have SUPERSTITION IE EG 'RELIGION', education and information.  There is medicine, law, and banking.  Then there is supposedly the culture for the species to become more developed in powers of co-creating with a 'divine unseen ENERGY' the beauty-balance-bliss of ART.

Technology tricked the human into thinking the top of the mountain was climbed.  No, the humans got on top of the mountain and don't know how to get back down.

Here is the problem.  The process was a FRAUD.  It begins with allow such as the practices of mutilating the male species and then, the DIGITAL algorithms that can control every nano of chaos.

These stupid people can't control everyone as HOPED.  RFID chips, freight train cars with handcuffs for the to be caged and slaughtered.  The FEAR which is programmed is what is killing our species.

MINDS become no different than PLANET EARTH:  DISEASED.

The thinking stuff which DOGBERRY and MARK TWAIN spent many hours discussing, has been made into blubbering protoplasm that doesn't imagine other than what we see-have.


The City of Portland, State of Oregon IS the most or at least one of the most, glaring mirrors of the new age reality.  Gender bending to the point of who is home in the mind that chose to come to earth as a particular 'sex'.  FIRST LAW OF PHYSICS is to know who we are, gee, 'sex' determines our very first reality as an earthling.

THEY, THEM, THOSE, THE MONSTERS' have taken the truth of the reality into more than disturbing.

I do not believe the EARTH is going to change the MIND of what the UNIVERSE has decided, and we are part of this decision so we best get OK with where we are going here.

The Federal Reserve System and its ugly hydra headed monster the Bank of International Settlements made up ITS' technology mind to gulag earth.  Earth has decided the humans that are 'children' aren't agreeing with this new world disorder.  The BIS Biz wanted to be a new banking system of fraud and use humans as even greater 'lower forms' than in the past of these 'separate' from their 'own'.

America has been fleeced as has been the global 'family' for centuries.

Time for change came and now the universe intends to keep the good faith of this contract.

Best ready for the coming time of VANGA's predictions because there isn't any way this mess can get cleaned up with the brains that are in charge and the City of Portland, State of Oregon criminal insanity to GO GREEN proves the brain cells are stuck on LEMMING CLIFFDOM.

When the ISRAELI FLAG flies with the AMERICAN and there is only the ZIONIST agenda to own all earth at long last, then Earth has to let the Zionist American Israelis KNOW in the only way this faction can get IT, enough already!

The time frame for our CLARION CALL?  A miracle has to happen for the nuclear winter not to.  The PROJECT FOR A NEW AMERICAN CENTURY gave us our wake-up, we best hear our call cause it's a coming ... See August, especially the 29, and through to the 6 Sept, BUT the spring 2014, and on through to 2021, we may even go as far as 2121. 

... Mendelsohn went on to boldly say “that more than ninety percent of modern medicine could disappear from the face of the earth – doctors, hospitals, drugs and equipment – and the effect on our health would be immediate and beneficial.”

Does the Written Word Make an Impact Any Longer?

Does the written word change the course of humanity? Certainly the Bible has. Martin Luther’s 95 Theses did. But none of the texts cited above made even a dent in the “progress” of modern medicine’s assault against humanity.

A few years back someone cited these facts about book reading:
  • One-third of high school graduates never read another book for the rest of their lives.
  • 58% of the US adult population never reads another book after high school.
  • 42% of college graduates never read another book.
  • 80% of US families did not buy or read a book last year.
  • 70% of US adults have not been in a bookstore in the last five years.
The pervasiveness of electronic methods of communication and the dissemination of propaganda and distorted reality of television has changed the course of history itself.

For example: “Television news” said the Gulf of Tonkin happened (no, there was never any North Vietnam boat that shot at a US Navy ship), but off to war America went against a tiny nation the size of the State of Georgia and a population of just 16 million against a country of 200 million with advanced military weapons. Vietnam won.

The news media helped to fabricate the public’s perception of the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

Investigators who dared to stray into what really went occurred on that November day in 1963 suddenly died.

And so too, American news media, whose boards of directors are often laced with executives of pharmaceutical and health insurance companies and hospital chains, continues to almost copy word-for-word press releases issued by the National Institutes of Health, Centers for Disease Control, Food & Drug Administration that serve as a front for the racketeering going on in medicine today.

For example, the 2009 flu epidemic was never an epidemic. It was all fabricated by the Centers for Disease Control to help sell flu vaccines.

Belittle the Competition


A secondary agenda is to use the news media to demean and belittle any competition posed by healthy diets or dietary supplements. Why promote a low-carbohydrate diet when the next prescription diet pill garners millions of advertising dollars for TV networks?

A spate of recent news reports are now scaring Americans away from vitamin and herbal supplements at a time when millions of Americans suffer from conditions that are simply nutrient deficiencies. It is an orchestrated effort against self-care.

CODEX, a regulatory body assembled by the United Nations and the World Health Organization, has just voted to water down vitamin requirements in foods, thus ensuring a certain level of disease to treat.


We Need Diseases to Create Jobs


Government sees the medical industry as a source of jobs as the population ages. Why cure or prevent any chronic age-related diseases when a certain level of disease is needed to maintain jobs? Health care costs are not deemed to be an expense but rather an industry that contributes to the Gross Domestic Product. In reality, it is a $3 trillion drag on the economy that has not produced greater life expectancy (US life expectancy ranks 27th out of 34 countries deemed to be economic peers). Life expectancy in some US counties is no better than some third-world countries.

The masses have little choice because they have no money. An estimated 53% of American workers make no more than $30,000 a year and the growth in part-time jobs is soaring above full-time employment. A $30,000 annual salary may have been adequate in 1980 but due to inflation one would have to make $85,000 to have the same purchasing power today. The people have no money to make choices outside those served up by the health insurance/ physician/ Big Pharma/ hospital chain cabal.

Fascist (industry-controlled) medicine prevails.

For now, it’s every man for himself.

Bill Sardi is a frequent writer on health and political topics. His health writings can be found at His latest book is Downsizing Your Body.

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