Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Cliff High | Half Past Human | The Grand Penis Conspiracy | NO | METZITZAH B'PEH | CIRCUMCISION | IE MUTILATION of the MALE IN THEIR INNOCENCE !!


  1. ANTI DEFAMATION LEAGUE, ADL, couldn't get better in the best cover up in history, see YOAV SHAMIR'S FILM: ON DEFAMATION FOR REALITY on Abe Foxman and the "Jews" & the Metzitzah b'peh was ORDERED NO via Naomi Buchwald USDC in NYNY, so the Rabbis cursed & vowed to take this vile act 'underground!'

  2. The POWERS that control the MESSING with our 'electronics' do NOT want the IDEA TO STOP THE METZITZAH B'PEH into the WORLD OF COMMUNICATION. Think for one nano, what male wouldn't be MAD about his penis cut when innocently born AND what female wouldn't THINK-WONDER why should the infant baby get harmed so horrible as though a practice to be 'clean'? SICK-SICK-SICK. Are the CONTROLLERS OF WORLD EARTH 'HUMAN'?!

  3. Can Heal When The Correct Medicine IS Considered, Simply Allow Nature To Be More Powerful Than The Criminal Insanity of Metzitzah b'peh / Circumcision / Mutilation

  4. Conspiracy has stripped the theory from IT, and what are we the poor human being mutilated beyond repair going to do about IT!?

  5. There is a tap root rot to the earth's nature. Why this was done is definitely up for the deepest probe in discovery. Due Process. Rule of Law. DICTATORSHIP OF THE LAW. Has to be a new command in the species 'Homo Sapiens'. Too many 'humans' made into robotic brain dead, poly-addicts, criminally insane agents. Political Ponerology.

  6. Metzitzah b'peh JEWISH BLOOD RITUAL, and Circumcision CHRISTIAN COPY OF JEW BLOOD RITUAL, LISTEN very carefully again and again and again and let us begin the healing NOW! Trusting mother and father LOVE and betrayal at the most deep MIND-SPIRIT-BODY. And how did this get to be institutionalized practice?!

  7. Gilad Atzmon said JEWRASSIC PARK can sew back on the foreskin!

  8. PINECONE. The Vatican has the largest sculpture in the world, BRONZE, of the/a PINECONE. The "Pine Cone" is our Pituitary and therefore, the so called 'Catholic' Church knows full well why circumcision is performed!

  9. Higher Consciousness is the Highest Value In Earth's Life Journey

    Devolution continuation or Evolution? Listen and choose to decide how to get our Homo Sapiens into stopping Apartheid-Genocide, Criminally Insane Mass Murdering, Extinction of our own species.

  10. Metzitzah B'peh or however this practice is spelled. NETANYAHU Et Al "Israeli Firsters" are in an apartheid brain, thus, genocide is what the unnatural thinking is obviously not really thinking! / NETANYAHU Et Al "Israeli Firsters" are in an apartheid brain, thus, genocide is what the unnatural thinking is obviously not really thinking! Metzitzah B'peh or however this practice is spelled is criminally insane!
