Saturday, March 9, 2013

BUSH CRIME FAMILY ~MMBWD~ Series,' Artificial Drones To Kill Reality, "Perishable Money," too

George W. Bush Jr., Mass Make Believe Weapons of Destruction [MMBWD], Series,' Artificial Drones To Kill Reality, "Perishable Money," too 

    drone The New and Horrific Trend of Bombing and Killing Suspects ‘Just in Case’ They are Guilty, Feb 25, 2013, by Jason Liosatos
There is a new trend in the ‘war on terror’ by the real world terror of the US, Israeli and Western governments, and it is called ‘bomb them just in case’. With the looming threat of an attack on ‘innocent’ Iran, it is the same premise of ‘bomb them just in case’. This tactic is no different than shooting someone ‘just in case’ they get a gun and kill you, even though they have never exhibited any aggression or threat of aggression towards you, or indeed never possessed a gun in the past.

A similar analogy is that of a bully in a school yard, terrorizing and beating up the younger kids ‘just in case’ they grow bigger and tougher and ‘just might’ become a threat to you later on, so get them anyway ‘just in case’. It is the same as the horrific, unprovoked murders taking place in Pakistan by the Drone strikes, which is murder without a trial for the victims or the perpetrators. Again we see the same pattern of ‘kill them just in case’ they might be guilty, with no evidence, no proof, and no trial. Simply suspects, possible criminals, like dogs being punished ‘just in case’ they might bite someone, or hitting a child ‘just in case’ they are naughty.... JASON LIOSATOS JUST IN CASE THEY'RE GUILTY DRONE KILLINGS REPORTING<ContinueReadingClick


  Dispersing one's strength for the salvation of the world.  There is no remorse in this.  IChing Hexagram 59, Huan (Dispersion)

Middle East experienced, new birth
and so the world got back alley 
abortionists, Agenda 21 globalists, eugenics,

America's Supreme Court, United States
isn't independent to choose a psycho 
poly-addicted, druggie, Super Power,

NON-ELECTED criminally insane idiot 
and through a U.S. Constitutional Republic
should, existence be, real-here?!

the expert job of dissolving established bonds 
institutionalized, criminal fraud, RACKETS,

first one must rid oneself of cronyism's 
blocking, higher intelligence, altruism,

compassion-empathy-patience and clean-
whole-firm can reborn U.S.A.
too, breached CONTRACTS all vitiated,

Preamble-U.S. Constitution trampled
stamped upon and burned ashes-to-ashes 
culture, in America, BUSHWACKED,

GP: It's the old dilemma.
What is worse: being a
criminal or putting deliberately an
arsenal into the hands of a known
criminal? I think the latter
is worse, hence that statement.
U.S. Supreme Court's DECIDERS 
In Chiefs over Super Power saturating MASS
MAKE, BELIEVE ARTIFICIALITY, DIE Cmu-EduAliceInWonderlandCH II<ContinueReadingClick

"Pool of Tears," Wonderland's Alice
 cried curiouser and curiouser quite forgetting how
to speak good English NOW,

I'm opening out like
the largest telescope that ever was!  Good-
bye feet! OH poor little,

feet, I wonder who will
put on your shoes and stockings now
dears?  I'm sure I

shan't be able! I
shall be a great deal too far
off to trouble myself about

you; you must manage the
best way you can; -- but I must
be kind to them, thought

Alice, or perhaps they will
not walk the way I want to
go!  Let me see:  I

Guido Preparata

Guido Giacomo Preparata:  Born in Boston, Massachusetts, and raised in the USA, France and Italy, he completed his PhD in Political Economy and Economic History at the University of Southern California in 1998. Formerly an Associate Professor of Political Economy at the University of Washington and Fulbright Scholar to the Middle East, he is presently a lecturer in the Social Sciences at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, Italy.


What are you saying?  That
it's in vain?  I know it
But one does not fight

in the hope of success
No.  It is more beautiful when it
is in vain Edmond Rostand [Cyrano de Bergerac, Act V)

Guido Giacomo PreparataFree associationism of free producers gathered in free communes, federated with one another in one extensive, brotherly and cooperative alliance, all over the world; and the means of payment to move it all: perishable money ...


LS: At the beginning of your book you are stating that "there is something far worse than Nazism, and that is the hubris of the Anglo-American fraternities, whose routine is to incite indigenous monsters to war". (1) How did you come to this conclusion that has very little in common with the perception of the general population, particularly in Great Britain and the United States?

GP: It's the old dilemma. What is worse: being a criminal or putting deliberately an arsenal into the hands of a known criminal? I think the latter is worse, hence that statement.


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