Saturday, March 2, 2013




Five Star Movement (Italian:
TMNews Movimento 5 Stelle, M5S) .. This young movement calls itself the Movimento 5 Stelle, M5S .. Their five stars symbolise what they stand for:  publicly owned water, sustainable mobility, development, connectivity, environmental protection - the traditional parties are corrupt to the core and have to go, the people should decide whether Italy should stay in the Eurozone, there must be a law on the conflict of interest (politicians being involved with corporations), there should be a “citizen’s wage” for the unemployed, there should be support for small and medium businesses, there should be a clamp down on financial speculation and corporate greed, cuts on health and education should be reversed ~

~ Catalonia has recently declared itself as a sovereign entity. Plans are to hold a referendum on independence from Spain .. One thing is certain, people all over Europe are sick and tired of the traditional parties and centralised government .. The European project of the power elites is in crisis because they lose the people’s trust .. Iceland has shown that the stranglehold of money power over people’s needs can be broken .. Through unity and mutual respect the non-violent transition of a centrally governed Europe towards truly democratic, sovereign nations becomes a possibility .. An association of free peoples of Europe working together and with the rest of the world in solidarity and for mutual benefit is a dream that could become reality.

Political Impasse in the Wake of Italy Elections. Corrupt EU Power Elites Challenged By R. Teichman Global Research, March 01, 2013 News Beacon Ireland<Click


de·hyp·no·tizedor British ; de·hyp·no·tised; de·hyp·no·tiz·ingor British ; de·hyp·no·tis·ing

Definition of DEHYPNOTIZE

: to remove from hypnosis


de·hyp·no·tize or British de·hyp·no·tise (audio pronunciation)

Chapter 4 - Dehypnotize Yourself<Click

Chapter 4 of Psycho-Cybernetics deals mainly with dehypnotizing yourself from negative or limiting beliefs.

Negative beliefs, according to Dr. Maltz is a form of hypnotism you are doing to yourself. In the beginning of Chapter 4, Dr. Maltz gives the example of a fellow doctor friend of his, Dr. Alder. In Dr. Alder's youth as a young student, he had difficulties in mathematics. His teacher become convinced that he was "dumb in mathematics" and then convinced his parents who also believed the teacher's claim. His grades started to reflect this belief of being "dumb in mathematics". Then one day, it occurred to him that he had a sudden flash of insight and wanted to solve a math problem that his classmates could not figure out. When he walked in front of the class and begin to solve the problem, he himself and his whole class were amazed! Then he began to understand how arithmetic works and went on to be an excellent student. This story is to illustrate that Dr. Alder's belief that he was "dumb in mathematics" was a form of hypnotism he had done to himself. When he dehypnotized himself of this belief, he became an excellent mathematician.

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