Tuesday, March 19, 2013

NOT Make Believe: Chemtrails, IE TOXIC Chemicals for manipulation poured into our Five Elements non-stop since WWII

by ishtarsgate, by Vincent Andersen © 2013 So You Don't Believe in Chemtrails?<Click

The chemtrail programme that we see today began in earnest in the 90s. However the technology has existed for a lot longer and there are other incidences of its use before the 90s. One notable example was in Britain from the late 50s through to the 70s, when large parts of the country were sprayed with chemicals for germ warfare experiments. This information was locked away in Government archives and has only recently been released to the public as 50 years have now passed. Many people have had children with birth defects because of this government sponsored aerosol spraying campaign. You can read the Guardian newspaper report on this incident at this link.

The US government also deployed similar technology during the Vietnam War. They used cloud seeding technology to prolong the monsoon season to disrupt the Vietnamese supply lines. It was called Operation Popeye and was considered successful. More recently the Chinese government publicly used cloud busting technology during the Olympics to ensure that the skies remained clear. I cite these examples as evidence of weather manipulation technology that has been in use for many years. Although the chemtrail programme is slightly different, it is based upon the same technology that we know has been deployed historically.

... The only way to stop this, at present, is to tell other people and build awareness. I have included a number of links for you to begin to look at, at the bottom of this article. As you will no doubt agree, spraying aluminium into the atmosphere on an industrial scale is bad and must be stopped. Let’s stand together and stop this mass poisoning of our planet. You can help stop this by educating yourself and telling other people. Please start by sharing this article with your social circles!

Must watch documentaries:

What in the World are They Spraying?

Why in the World are They Spraying?







Government Docs

Owning the weather by 2025



Other links

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