Monday, March 18, 2013

Wall Street Jack The Ripper, Technofascism, Technofascists, Technocrats, Automaton Technofascists-Technocrats

Wall Street is a Rip Off Fraud.  Hollywood is not fine art, it's a Rip Off Fraud.  U.S. of A. is not a Democracy it's a Rip Off Fraud and Free Market Capitalism is a Rip Off Fraud.  Wall Street's Jack the Ripper of CRIMINAL FRAUD was-is well planned.<Click<Click

"DESK DRAWER CORPORATIONS!?"  "BANKS!?"  We in the U.S.A. have been conned.  Technofascism controls the entire "society."  Bank of America, Deutch Bank, Wells Fargo, U.S. Bank, ET AL "FRAUDS" that umbrella-cover-up-shell-off-shore -- Technofascist Wall Street Jack the Ripper Fraudulent Federal Reserve System [Fed] ET AL -- BIS, Biz, IMF, WB, ET AL.

China bought alleged Wall Street "stocks, bonds, and 'DEBT'!"  REALLY?:  America's Technofascists off-shored the manufacturing base of the U.S., a controlled structure beginning c. WWI, and protected by "Unions" -- all the shuffling of the manufacturing was an intentional transference of wealth to further gulag Technofascism in the U.S.A.  China was-is a Technofascist state partnering with US Technofascists.

The manufacturing in the U.S. it appears, predominantly set-up, via the Germans and Russians.  These ready to go, especially in New York, quickly from manufacturing into banking.  Banking, but of course was a necessary charter to manufacturing uninterrupted operation funds for the global racket.

Compliments of the regimes Hitler and Stalin. To America from the Hitler and Stalin ideologies for a take-over of the U.S., c. late 1800s, early 1900s.  Manufacturing was intentionally moved, once the apex of the system was sophisticated technology and easier to manage, to China and other countries where lesser standards of living for human beings could exploit the labor power of necessary people-skilled.  Slave labor and worse, the human rights' violations in the countries of China, Russia, ET AL have not improved.

How to grow the populations of earthing humans and then how to depopulate the planet of the too many earthling humans decided by the same that used whatever form of programming to overpopulate.  How to globally colonize-cannibalize wealth, and be exalted, extolled, worshiped, praised and paid to be the most satanic "God" imagined.  TECHNOFASCISM.

The Technofascists c. 1963, were very clear about the future.  Assassinations were to be commonplace against any and all human beings thinking with conscience and choosing to honor the genius of individual.

The United States of America, it was already decided, had a destiny to take the Technofascists into the Third World War to establish the New World Order and confirmation was murdering US President John F. Kennedy.  Examine the photos leading up to President Kennedy's assassination.  In every photo where Johnson was also with John and Jackie Kennedy, Johnson looked as though he knew very well the Technofascists' agenda(s).

NO DUE PROCESS LAW in DIGITAL DUE PROCESS, the court system a cultists' racket of automaton technocrats programmed to obey the Technofascists' criminal insanity.  The digital technology -HAL in 2001, A Space Odyssey?!<Click

The consequences to American finance is fairly well known here. But most Americans have been somewhat aloof to the extreme problems suffered by Spain, Greece, Italy and Cyprus. Italy and Cyprus have turned to confiscating savings on a progressive basis.  This could be a “fee” imposed by those countries for giving aid and comfort to the pirates of Wall Street.

So far the only country to stick with the rule of law is Iceland where some of the worst problems emerged early — before bankers could solidify political support in that country, like they have done around the world. Iceland didn’t bailout bankers, they jailed them. Iceland didn’t adopt austerity to make the problems worse, it used all its resources to stimulate the economy.

And Iceland looked at the reality of a the need for a thriving middle class. So they reduced household debt and forced banks to take the hit — some 25% or more being sliced off of mortgages and other consumer debt. Iceland was not acting out of ideology, but rather practicality.

The result is that Iceland is the shining light on the hill that we thought was ours. Iceland has real growth in gross domestic product, decreasing unemployment to acceptable levels, and banks that despite the hit they took, are also prospering.

From my perspective, I look at the situation from the perspective of a former investment banker who was in on conversations decades ago where Wall Street titans played the idea of cornering the market on money. They succeeded.

But Iceland has shown that the controls emanating from Wall Street in directing legislation, executive action and judicial decisions can be broken.

It is my opinion that part or all of trillions dollars in off balance sheet transactions that were allowed over the last 15 years represents money that was literally stolen from investors who bought what they thought were bonds issued by a legitimate entity that owned loans to consumers some of which secured in the form of residential mortgage loans.

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