Wednesday, April 24, 2013

George H.W. Bush ~ justify ~ cocaine operation in the name of National Security is criminal, period ... William Jefferson and Hillary Rodham Clinton ET AL ... The Continuing Criminal Enterprise statute ~Title 21 of the United States Code, Section 848(c)(2) ~

The Continuing Criminal Enterprise statute, or Title 21 of the United States Code, Section 848(c)(2), defines a criminal enterprise as any group of six or more people, where one of the six occupies a position of organizer, a supervisory position, or any other position of management with respect to the other five, and which generates substantial income or resources, and is engaged in a continuing series of violations of subchapters I and II of Chapter 13 of Title 21 of the United States Code.

I quote from my new book, A Revolution in Consciousness,

This is a statute I am very familiar with. During my teens and twenties, approximately from 1972 until 1982, I was involved with organizing and operating a Continuing Criminal Enterprise, selling and smuggling marijuana and hash for profit. I was later indicted, in 1985 and pled guilty to running a Continuing Criminal Enterprise, multi-ton loads of marijuana and hashish, and was sentenced to (17) years in Federal Prison, without parole. I served (8) years, less good time allowance and was released in 1992. I have had an unblemished record since my last overt act in 1982. I was a model prisoner. Since my release from Federal Prison (BOP) I have enjoyed my freedom and have rebuilt my life absent any illegal acts. I take my freedom very seriously. I also recognize many things that most citizens can’t or choose not to see.

I quote from my book:

The Real Deal a Transformation of Consciousness, The Enigma of Robert Bruce Reckmeyer

When our elected officials justify a criminal conspiracy in the name of national security, they have crossed the line into unknown territory. They have taken our Constitutional system to a new level where anything goes and can be justified. 

Smuggling large multi ton loads of cocaine from central and south America into the continental United States for the purpose of raising large sums of cash, to feed an illegal war of aggression on the Nicaraguan people is beyond most peoples comfort zone. I can tell you as one who smuggled Marijuana and Hashish, cocaine is a completely different product. Cocaine is evil and turns good people into their dark side expression. Cocaine causes people to do things they would normally not do. Powdered cocaine turned into crack is deadly.

It is well documented that our United States government is directly involved in the illegal drug business, both in the past and currently as a part of their war in Afghanistan. The Afghanistan drug operation helps to fund their war of aggression and supplies our CIA with large sums of cash to finance a covert war throughout the region. This is nothing new. During the Vietnam War in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, our CIA set up a large scale drug operation helping the Laotian tribesmen transport their heroin and set up new smuggle routes to the west. They addicted a whole generation of American kids to finance their illegal wars of aggression. It is well documented that the intelligence services throughout the world utilize the illegal drug business to raise enormous sums of cash to fund their black operations.

Welcome to the real world of shadow government and real world politics. I know sometimes it hurts to learn that there are a lot of illegal things going on in the name of freedom and liberty and in truth it is up to us to hold these people accountable. They hide behind the national security act and slap it on everything so they can justify murder, illegal drug deals, false arrests and subversion of sovereign governments. There is nothing they won’t do if they think it will help them in their lust for full power and control.

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