Monday, June 3, 2013

U.S. District Judge Garr M. King: Mahamed Osman Mohamud & FBI, CIA, DHS, PPB, CITY OF PORTLAND, STATE OF OREGON, ET AL ET CETERA

RE  Mahamed Osman Mohamud, Et Al, Et Cetera

TO  Eric Holder, Attorney General, ET AL, U.S. Department of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20530-0001, T (202) 514-2001, E-mail:

F (202) 307-6777

To Who This Concerns and To Whom This Concerns:

Attorney at Law Holder, ET AL,  the problem was-is, your bubble has also burst.  All the bubbles that the globalists constructed to boom and bust, are performing accordingly.

The problem with ATTORNEYS AT LAW, in the USA, is they are not schooled in ART HISTORY, Et Cetera.  Attorneys at law in the USA have been duped into thinking, like the 'Jewish' ideology, that they are somehow 'smarter' and indeed, 'more chosen', than the majority of all the world.  This concept was unfortunately indoctrinated as an almost type of 'religion' because of vowels, consonants, grammar, punctuation and knowing how to string the King and Queen English language.

During the beginning of George W. Bush, Jr.'s WAR OF TERROR, websites were bold from State Treasurers in Oregon, Washington, ET AL, regarding the "faith" kept for the "New World Order".  But, attorneys at law are not persuaded by conspiracies that are well proven facts far above all theories.  Oh no, the linear thinking have studied history and know how everything is, in the world of politics, war, economies of the world and of course, then:  MONEY.  Money is a contract absolute in almost all forms in one way or another in the idea, not to be confused with ideology, for trade and exchange.  Attorneys in the USA have been since the modern world emerged, fine tune schooled in Article I, Section IX, Clause VII, and that's why we're now at a point which is referred to as:  FAILED NATION STATE.

A nation fails when sovereignty fails.  The FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM [Fed] isn't federal and the owners of the private global cabal are no longer opaque.

Money is the problem in the USA, that is the attorneys numbering in countless sums, most do not have a clue as to what the word sovereignty defines.  Further, the attorneys licensed with British Accredited Registry, BAR, are beholding to the machine.

What is the machine that the attorneys at law worship?  DIGITAL DRUG COMPUTERIZED CRACK AFTER A FASHION COCAINE. [My emphasis added]

The Fed uses computers to manufacture digital debt.  Americans purchase this like the other infinite zillions of poisons to ingest and digest, to be dumber than boxes of rocks.

Attorneys have been indoctrinated by the WALL STREET 'money' which we understand is CREDIT and in reality, the DEBT is insurmountable.

I would well imagine the fear that is lurking in the Federal Reserve "System" at this time - how many 'lawyers' were-are duped.  The lawsuits at law schools have already begun and the matter is not to be a trifling laughter.

Mahamed Osman Mohamud was in the court of GARR M. KING, who was the alleged Article III "Justice" U.S. Constitutional "law".  Garr M. King was also the attorney who sat in the case of James Chasse and in the case of Roberta Kelly ["me"].

young G.M.KING
GARR M. KING and his 'colleagues' ~ Ann L. Aiken, John V. Acosta, Michael W. Mosman, Randall L. Dunn, Steven Evans, ET AL, have participated in, and continue to participate in ~~ treason to the U.S. Constitution.  Owen M. Panner, Sr. Article III, U.S. Constitutional 'Justice' participated in the obstruction of justice on no less than twenty-six (26) OREGONIAN 'Pro Se' that filed in his court to seek our Bill of Rights'.

Now this would be just a rant, but for a man on death row for thirty (30) years in the State of Oregon and it's because the LAW doesn't appear to be valuable over the human commodities that is, mostly of 'poor' and / or 'color'.

Straub was given credit from the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations, the history annals report and then the State of Oregon changed from one of conservative to the 'liberal economics' policy.  The liberal economic policy?  Jewish foundation(s) were provided credit to grow the culture we can now attest to be that experiment come into fruition.  In a word: injustice.

... Just in the last 12 months, Wall Street’s Blackstone Group has raised $8 billlion to buy up homes on Main Street. Following suit, according to The New Republic, JP Morgan Chase—the nation’s largest bank—has organized a fund to purchase 5,000 single-family homes in states with some of the most depressed real estate prices. As I wrote last year, a former Morgan Stanley housing strategist left that bank, organized a billion dollars, and is purchasing up to 10,000 homes with these new resources.

BLACKSTONE GROUP, I do recollect, is one of the portfolio managements that is actually a 'desk~drawer corporation' of the Fed's, AND of course the JUDICIAL especially, as well as every 'government employee' of a certain status in the system, have Blackstone Group as managers for the Fed's credit-debt global racket.

Mahamed Osman Mohamud is part of the system and ITS' now, greed, insatiable greed beyond the imaginations of consumer criminal insanity.  He is a number, simply a trade-exchange commodity or call Henry Kissinger's term of art "useless eater".  Rockefellers of course have always decided 'collateral damage' is part of the growing of a family empire.

Mahamed Osman Mohamud is KINGs only reason IN life, as a purpose, to exist.  Without Mohamud there isn't a KING, ET AL.

That is why it can be said unequivocally:  KING  is either completely an idiot, or a crook.  No Article III Judge in the U.S.A. can enter into a place where supposedly the highest of minds go to settle disputes and negotiate contracts, and of course then discuss and determine good law, absent understanding about the monetary secret mafia that drives the need for the KINGS and other Esquires to retire and lo behold, the quotas do not lie.

KING covered up for the Portland Police Bureau, in the matter of Aaron Campbell.  This fact can be proven, in that I, Roberta Kelly, was the second victim in the Ronald Frashour III, Portland Police Bureau employee and his drive to attack and do what the new orders told him to, it seems, at least in the audio-video deposition my son and I got of Frashour III and Staul, which KING was privy to immediately.

The City of Portland manufactures for the most, an attorney collective that is [due to the small town] incestuous.  It wasn't like it is now, when the Pozzi Wilson Atchison law firm was in the City and that was before Frank Pozzi retired, 1996 or thereabouts.

I have read the letter from Lauren J. Paulson to you, AG Holder.  There is someone your office must interview, too, I trust Lauren has been responded to?  I continue to wait for the reality of what has to be – lawyers that have violated their oath to the U.S. Constitution and destroyed the Bill of Rights’ protection for the individual, need to fail as the not too big, busted bubble.

Not until I met this person did I truly understand the corruption here.  Clifford C. Walker chose to revitalize the Black Affairs Commission, and he also ran for Mayor of the City of Portland, many years ago.  He Chaired the Black Affairs Commission and during this time he asked me to provide a skill, thus I looked at some paperwork regarding FANNIE SAVAGE.  I was more than shocked.  Seventeen (17) or thereabouts, JUDGES in Portland, Oregon, were directly involved in the UNLAWFUL incarceration of Fannie Savage, and the glaring reasons - she was black, lesbian and deaf.

That's not the worst of Portland, City and the whole of Oregon State, sadly, for that matter:  Neil Goldschmidt and his pedophilia is treated as though above the law.  A COLD CASE as it would be considered, is GASTON, WILBER and PAMELA.

When attorneys can purchase supposedly a law degree and go onto be a President of the United States, or when a lawyer can be a Supreme Court Justice [Louis Brandeis] absent the necessary JD, and pen in the Federal Reserve's cabal to sell Americans notes of 'reserves', then we are truly an ignorant young failed nation state.


We know the problem.  The reaction is also known.  The solution is our answer.

All the so called lawyers that were appointed by Clinton and then before him, the lawyers also appointed by Reagan and the other Bushes, both, need to be under serious scrutiny and then the obvious, let go.  Retired.  The PUBLIC RETIREMENT PORTFOLIOS have grown PIGS and HOGS.  Progressively Ignorant Governing Supremes and Humans Ogres Globally Slaughter.

I trust your children have not been raised on Walt Disney?  The children of the 1980s are very bright, electronics were never a new item to them.  Walt Disney's covert BS is known about procreating the planet earthlings to then 'cull the herd'.  Sickening practice since the blacks got sold down the river by their own in Africa to come here and build 'America'.  Blacks were already here many years earlier than when slavery was out in the open.

SLAVERY IS DIGITAL DOPE, sold as though a necessary credit-debt to live in earth.

Your legacy and the legacy of Mr. ?, because he got to be the first black president of the slavery nation and what a historical ?  History is not kind to the losers and America is now, after doing the same behavior as the Boors in Africa, being told the time is no longer the ‘chosen’ other than all people get to have the opportunity from day one, to learn the U.S. Constitution as was intended - CITIZENS’ LAWYERS.  Aaron Campbell wanted to be an attorney.  That could have been should have the U.S. Constitution been honored in his birthright and certainly in his right to not to be shot in the back of the head by Ronald Frashour III, who GARR M. KING covered up in psychopathic anti US~Constitution non Article III, Court INJUSTICE.

Thank you AG Holder.  I am anxious for a response and therefore, the certified post is to be sent to your place of mailing where the WAR OF TERROR gets to keep the fraud perpetuated, until it's too late?

Roberta Kelly

c  Clifford C. Walker ET AL, & to be continued ....

c  Elijah E. Cummings via F (410) 685-9399, Elizabeth Warren via F (216) 522-2239, Tani Cantil-Sakauye via F (415) 865-4586, Sherrod Brown via F (216) 522-2239, David Vitter via F (225) 383-0331


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