Sunday, July 7, 2013


Beatrice, VANGA comes to mind in looking as a seer into the past-present-future, to know when the ULTRA WAR MONGERING seething to nuclear detonate lose control of their criminal insanity completely.  There's such an idea:


GODS have told the killers who to kill, how and when.  The question for the non-killers of earth is, is there any possibility at all that a safe place in earth can be heaven when hell rains nuclear winter?

Ramona, WHAT happened supposedly to THE prophetess Cassandra?!  Wasn't safe, either, [a 'religious' CHOSEN] from the hell that damned the City of Troy in end times - where is our Vanga to help America SEE?

It's coming, every human knows in their Achilles' HEEL, point vulnerability ~cocked-loaded, the FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM isn't going away and ISRAEL'S ROTHSCHILD DYNASTY coupled with JPMORGAN CHASE HOUSE-ROCKEFELLERS aren't letting go of their 'world ownerships' absent the biggest arrow in THE vulnerability, and that truth is self-evident in, GLOBAL WAR ON TERROR launching the GLOBAL TERROR OPERATION FINANCIAL PAEDOPHILIA.

The story about Achilles heel

Achilles heelThe term “Achilles’ heel” means a person’s vulnerable spot or area. It is derived from the Greek myth of Achilles and his mother Thetis.

According to legend, when Achilles was born, his mother, in an effort to make him immortal, took Achilles to the Styx river and dipped him. She held him by one heel. The area where her fingers held him remained dry. As the heel was not touched by the waters of the Styx, it was the one vulnerable place on Achilles.

Achilles became the hero of many battles during the Trojan War. Paris, Prince of the Trojans, shot an arrow in the heel of Achilles. Because the heel was the one spot untouched by immortality, Achilles died.

The mythology of Achilles not only gives us the term “Achilles’ heel,” the tendon connecting the heel to the calf muscles is named the “Achilles” tendon.”

It has been argued that the vulnerability of Achilles did not originally lie in his heel. In Homer’s “The Iliad,” his vulnerable area is his pride.

It is suggested his weak spot did not become the heel until the Romans told the story of Achilles in a poem written by Statius.  >>click>>


Achilles, The Greek Hero

written by: Noreen Gunnell • edited by: SForsyth • updated: 1/23/2012
The Greek hero Achilles is known from the tale of the Trojan War and his vulnerable heel.
  • Hear the name Achilles and most people will think of Brad Pitt, the Trojan War, or someone's weakness, a.k.a. an "Achilles Heel." However, not everyone knows how his story fits into Greek Mythology. While it's counterintuitive to deem anything associated with mythology a fact, this study guide reviews most of the important facts about Achilles in Greek Mythology.
    Like many figures in Greek Mythology, Achilles story begins before he is even born. Achilles mother was a sea-nymph named Thetis whose beauty tempted the ever-philandering god Zeus. Having been warned by Prometheus that he would be dethroned by a child born to him and Thetis, Zeus forced Thetis to marry a mortal in order to remove the temptation.
  • Saved From Evil Fate

    Thetis and her husband, Peleus, had six children before Achilles. The first six were thrown into fire by their mother in an effort to burn out their mortality. The seventh child was saved from this fate by his father and eventually Thetis accepted the child and grew to love him. She called him Achilles and, wanting to protect him from his human frailty, took him to the River Styx which was believed to convey immortality. Thetis held him by his heel and submerged the infant Achilles. All but the heel she held were suffused with inordinate strength, hence, Achilles heel.
    Achilles and Chiron
    Achilles was educated by Chiron, a centaur who lived on Mt. Pelion and was revered for his wisdom. Achilles grew strong, handsome, and well versed in the strategies of war and peace. When the call came for Greece's greatest warriors to amass and avenge the taking of Melenaus's wife, Helen, by the Trojan Prince Paris, a fretful Thetis rushed her son off to the island of Skyros disguised as a girl. While hiding on Skyros, Achilles fathers a son with the king's daughter Deidameia.

    ... Troy had lost its hero and decade of war had weakened its defenses. Yet the Trojans still had allies, among them the Amazonian female warriors and King Memnon of Ethiopia, and so the fight wore on. In it, Achilles was hit by an arrow shot by Paris and directed by Apollo into his weak heel. The Greek hero Achilles was no more and the fighting halted-briefly.


    What is Brad Pitt telling US, in his Hollywood production of Washington DC getting destroyed?

    Are the NEOCONSERVATIVES [NEOCONS] actually going to detonate a nuke?  Cassandra, the prophetess was raped, but not killed, another prophetess of Troy was sacrificed for the Achilles death.  The humans that war are not interested in not taking war to the most deadly war.

    Vanga the Russian seer saw World War III beginning with Lybia, November 2010, when the "Declaration" was signed via EU-US-Israel Et Al.  WWIII didn't-doesn't end until 2014.  The nuclear detonation Vanga saw - to be 'real'?  We must question the movies since the movie owners also do war and have since Achilles myth as one of the many ways to 'entertain' the imaginations of madness.

    The NEOCONS are also the Zionists, the Jews, the Jewish Zionists and / or the Zionist Jews.  A faction of humans that decided to be a religion as well as a race and whatever the humans decide as the more special of human, and chosen by the GOD which we all must worship as a GOD that is not any more real or benevolent than the Gods of Achilles.

    There is nothing the 'clan' won't do to keep the world's 'wealth' belonging to only 'them'.


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