Sunday, July 14, 2013


The dancing Israelis

The eBook by Hicham Hamza, "Israel and September 11: The Great Taboo" (2013) brings together the case against Israel, with impeccable precision and all easily accessible sources.

Laurent Guyénot Engineer (National School of Advanced Technology, 1982) and medievalist (PhD in Medieval Studies at Paris IV-Sorbonne, 2009). He has authored numerous books on the subject. He has dedicated the past three years to studying the behind-the-scenes history of the United States, where he lived for five years.

September 11: Inside Job or Mossad Job?

Israel’s role in the events of September 11, 2001—that shape the 21st century—is the subject of bitter controversy, or rather a real taboo even within the 9/11 Truth Movement, causing the ostracism of the man who dared to broach the subject, Thierry Meyssan. Most advocacy groups, mobilized behind the slogan "9/11 was an Inside Job," remain discreet regarding the evidence involving the secret services of the Jewish state. Laurent Guyénot focuses on certain compelling—though grossly under reported—facts and analyzes the mechanisms of denial.

While Israel’s role in the destabilization of the world post-September 11 is becoming increasingly clear, the idea that a faction of Likudniks, aided by their allies embedded in the U.S. State apparatus, are responsible for the false flag operation of September 11 is becoming more difficult to suppress, and some individuals have the courage to state so publicly. Francesco Cossiga, President of Italy between 1985 and 1992, declared on 30 November 2007 to the daily Corriere della Sera: “From areas around the Palazzo Chigi, nerve centre of direction of Italian intelligence, it is noted that the non-authenticity of the video is supported by the fact that Osama bin Laden in it ’confessed’ that Al Qaeda was responsible for the 9/11 attack on the Twin Towers in New York. However, all of the democratic areas of America and of Europe, with the Italian center-left in the forefront, now know full well that the disastrous attack was planned and executed by the American CIA and Mossad with the help of the Zionist world to falsely incriminate Arabic countries and to persuade the Western Powers to intervene in Iraq and Afghanistan [1]." Alan Sabrosky, former professor at the U.S. Army War College and the U.S. Military Academy, did not hesitate to proclaim his belief that September 11 is a "classical operation orchestrated by Mossad" carried out with accomplices within the United States government, and his voice has been forcefully echoed by some U.S. Army veterans sites who are disgusted by the vile war that they were forced to wage on behalf of the September 11 lie or that of the weapons of mass destruction of Saddam Hussein [2].

The arguments in favor of the Mossad hypothesis are not only related to the reputation of the world’s most powerful secret service, which a report by the U.S. Army School for Advanced Military Studies (quoted by the Washington Times on the eve of September 11th), described as "wildcat, ruthless and cunning. Able to carry out an attack on U.S. forces and disguise it as an act committed by Palestinians/Arabs [3]." The Mossad involvement, together with other Israeli elite units, is made evident by a number of little known facts.

How many of us know, for example, that the only people arrested on the same day in connection with the terrorist attacks of September 11 are Israelis [4]? This information was reported the very next day by journalist Paulo Lima in The Record, the newspaper of Bergen County in New Jersey, according to police sources. Immediately after the first impact on the North Tower, three individuals were seen by several witnesses on the roof of a van parked at Liberty State Park in Jersey City, "celebrating” and “jumping up and down,” and photographing themselves with the twin towers in the background. They then moved their van to another parking spot in Jersey City, where other witnesses saw them display the same ostentatious celebrations. The police immediately issued a BOLO alert (be-on-the-look-out): "Vehicle possibly related to the terrorist attack in New York. 2000 white Chevrolet van with New Jersey plates and an ’Urban Moving Systems’ sign at the back, was seen at Liberty State Park, Jersey City, NJ, at the time of first impact of jetliner into the World Trade Center. Three individuals with the van were seen celebrating after the initial impact and the explosion that followed [5]." The van was stopped by police a few hours later, with five young Israelis aboard: Sivan and Paul Kurzberg, Yaron Shmuel, Oded Ellner and Omer Marmari. Physically forced out of the vehicle and pinned to the ground, the driver, Sivan Kurzberg, launched this strange sentence: "We are Israelis. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are the problem [6].” Police sources who informed Paulo Lima were convinced of the involvement of the Israelis in the morning’s attacks: "There were maps of the city in the van with some of the points highlighted. It looked like they knew [...] they knew what would happen when they were at Liberty State Park [7]. Passports of various nationalities, nearly 6000 dollars in cash and open airline tickets to travel abroad were also found on them. The Kurzberg brothers were formally identified as Mossad agents. The five Israelis worked officially for a moving company named Urban Moving Systems, whose employees were mostly Israelis. "I was in tears. These guys were joking and that bothered me [8]," stated one of the few non-Israeli workers to The Record. On September14, after receiving a visit from the police, the business owner, Dominik Otto Suter, left the country for Tel Aviv.

The New York Network

According to the renegade agent, Victor Ostrovsky (By Way of Deception, 1990), the Mossad draws its effectiveness from its international network of sayanim ("collaborators"), the Hebrew term designating Jews living outside Israel and ready to perform illegal actions on demand, without necessarily knowing their ultimate purpose. They number in the thousands in the United States, particularly in New York, where the U.S. Jewish community is concentrated. Larry Silverstein, the leaseholder of the Twin Towers as of April 2001, appears as the archetype of a September 11 sayan. He is a leading member of the United Jewish Appeal/Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of New York, the largest U.S. fund raiser for Israel (after the U.S. government, which pays annually three billion in aid to Israel). Silverstein was also at the time of the attacks, the intimate friend of Ariel Sharon and Benjamin Netanyahu, with whom he was in conversation every Sunday, according to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz. Silverstein’s partner for the mall basement in the lease of the WTC was Frank Lowy, another Zionist "philanthropist" close to Ehud Barak and Ehud Olmert, former member of the Haganah. The head of the New York Port Authority, which privatized the WTC, granting the lease to Silverstein and Lowy was Lewis Eisenberg, also a member of the United Jewish Appeal Federation and former vice president of AIPAC. Silverstein, Lowy and Eisenberg were undoubtedly three key men in the planning of the attacks against the Twin Towers.

Lucky Larry! Every morning, without exception, Larry Silverstein took his breakfast at Windows on the World atop the north tower of the WTC. Until the morning of September 11, when he had an appointment with a dermatologist.

Other members of the New York-based network can be identified. According to the NIST report, the Boeing that crashed into the North Tower "cut a gash that was over half the width of the building and extended from the 93rd floor to the 99th floor. All but the lowest of these floors were occupied by Marsh & McLennan, a worldwide insurance company, which also occupied the 100th floor [18]." The CEO of Marsh & McLennan was then Jeffrey Greenberg, a member of a wealthy Jewish family that contributed heavily to the campaign of George W. Bush. Greenberg was also the insurer of the twin towers and on July 24, 2001, they had taken the precaution of reinsuring their contracts with competitors who had to indemnify Silverstein and Lowy. And as the world of the neocons is small, in November 2000, the Board of Directors of Marsh & McLennan welcomed Paul Bremer, President of the National Commission on Terrorism at the time of the attacks, and appointed as the head of the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) in 2003.

Paul Bremer appeared on September 11, 2001 on the set of NBC, calm and relaxed, while 400 employees of his company are missing (in the end, 295 employees and more than 60 of the group’s associates were to be officially counted among the victims).

Complicity must also be sought in airports and airlines involved in the attacks. Both airports from which flights AA11, UA175 and UA93 took off (Logan Airport in Boston and Newark Airport near New York) subcontracted their security to International Consultants on Targeted Security (ICTS), a firm financed through Israel and headed by Menachem Atzmon, a treasurer of the Likud. A thorough investigation would certainly lead to other accomplices. Such an investigation should, for example, focus on Zim Israel Navigational, a giant maritime shipping outfit 48% held by the Jewish state (known to occasionally be used as a cover for the Israeli secret service), the US head of which left his offices at WTC with his 200 employees Sept. 4, 2001, one week before the attacks - "Like an act of God [19] - commented the CEO Shaul Cohen-Mintz.


It’s the oil, stupid! > >

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