Monday, July 15, 2013


Kohn-Kerry in India
Since succeeding Hillary Rodham Clinton as America’s top diplomat, Kerry has issued several as yet undelivered — and perhaps undeliverable — pledges to allies and rivals alike, proving a source of concern for U.S. President Barack Obama’s policy team. It is trying to rein in Kerry somewhat, according to officials, which is difficult considering Kerry has spent almost half his tenure so far in the air or on the road, from where his most dissonant policy statements have come >>

Officials: Obama's policy team trying to 'rein in' Kerry over pledges to allies, rivals, Since becoming America’s top diplomat, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has issued several as yet undelivered - and perhaps undeliverable – foreign policy promises, including a historic breakthrough in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Netanyahu stressed that Israel was not willing to wait as long as the US to take action against Iran’s nuclear program.

"Our clocks are ticking at a different pace. We're closer than the United States. We're more vulnerable. And therefore, we'll have to address this question of how to stop Iran, perhaps before the United States does," Netanyahu said.

He explained that Tehran was building centrifuges at an accelerated pace, and that they may be nuclear-ready “within a few weeks.”

 >>Supremacist Thuggery – The Zionist Exemption and Permission Scam, Sunday, July 14th, 2013. Filed under: Just Zen Mind Control Secret Societies The Awakening Zionism
by Zen Gardner

Who’s paying attention with open eyes, minds and hearts anymore? It’s a wonder people can’t connect the dots with so much information hitting them squarely between the eyes.  Let’s look at a few headlines from the past few days:

Exclusive: Rick Perry’s October trip to Israel sign of another White House bid >>Texas Gov. Rick Perry said Thursday that he will visit Israel in October, a move that signals to the political world that he is seriously considering making another presidential run in 2016. Source

THAT’S how we know? Is this like getting a ticket at the turnstile run by the local thug ring for “protection”. What the hell is that all about? Who set these people up as the blessers and ordainers of potential candidates and power brokers?  >>Let’s keep going. Try this one on from PressTV:

NSA spying never catches Israelis – Why not?

Intelligence analysis ALWAYS follows a dual track of analyzing what you can see…and what you can’t. The massive coverage on the recent Snowden revelations has basically all been theater as most had already been revealed and/or was known about by every Intel agency on the planet.
Snowden, like Assange…despite the huge amount of classified material with all the embarrassing things that involved so many countries, neither of them seemed to know anything about the massive Israeli espionage that is carried out all over the world.
For example, the field reports from Afghanistan and Iraq involved Israelis being picked up as contractors doing very nasty things, and yes, doing them even to American troops. None of that stuff made its way into the leakers shocking release pile. We have people who wrote some of those reports, and they were major headlines.  >> Veterans Today burned Assange in the fall of 2011, with Ziggy Brzezinski helping through his big PBS interview where he spilled the beans about the Assange information being released having been ‘seeded.’ He gave our initial claims a lot more exposure. >> So that really leaves only one plausible explanation for ‘missing’ the Israeli espionage angle. Remember I said it would be impossible for a really connected leaker not to know about it. And if Assange and Snowden were really these altruistic goody goodies who cry about the public’s right to know how they are being abused by government spying on them, then why would they give the Zionists a free pass for doing it to all of us?  >>  Press TV readers would know why…because these guys are on an Israeli string. This is simply Intel 101. When everybody is getting embarrassed by leaks except for that one special group, there is no suspect number two.

How About This…

see video

[SIDEBAR:  Zionists got a collective of many to believe that they-were-and-are, CHOSEN as the earth's most precious.  Ugly red-headed step children in this concept of 'reality' ~~

~Treated one way in the vocabularies and then, look at the earth morons, there is only one chosen 'people' and IT is killing all that don't turn into monsters just like IT.  We do have free will?

Not according to KING AND QUEEN 'ISRAEL' MONSTERS, Bibi and

Operation Cast Lead - Image Results

  1. Operation Cast Lead, a canticle for Israel
  2. operation cast lead the israeli military under the orders of
  3. Operation Cast Lead
  4. operation cast lead
  5. Massive Israeli airstrike in Gaza opens Operation Cast Lead
  7. children killed during operation cast lead
  8. Operation-Cast-Lead 

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