Friday, July 5, 2013


The Assad regime says Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Turkey, in addition to the U.S. and its European allies, are on the list of countries conspiring against Syria. These states have been chief supporters of the opposition fighting to overthrow Assad.

In an interview published Thursday, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad rejected the idea that military intervention that overthrew the Morsi regime in Egypt would do the same with the Syrian government. (SANA/Associated Press)  >>Syrian President Bashar Assad said in an interview published Thursday that his government had fended off everything his enemies had thrown at him and that the only remaining threat to his rule was a far-off — and improbable — foreign intervention>> 

Barb's Mug 90x100Barb’s Note: Klamath county, Oregon water shutoff – The Klamath Tribes, in collusion with the Federal government and corrupt Oregon officials have started turning off water to farms and ranches. Since the tribe has first water rights, it has claimed those rights and is requiring that all other users with dates later than theirs be shut off. This is everyone else. Read it and weep. Not only will livestock and crops start dying, but this leaves us wide open to rampant wildfires that have the potential to decimate the basin.
The following is a communication from Flying T Salers, the best, in my opinion, cattle rancher in the area.

Churchill says:
The total control of the Klamath River and it’s tributaries is nothing more than a trial for complete control of a major river system and they will push harder and harder for the control of water rights on the Columbia and Snake River drainage. As, the Salmon, Clearwater, St. Joe/St. Maries, Priest, Clark Fork and Kootenai drainage/tributaries are already under their control, as like the the most of the Umpqua, upper Willamette, Smith, the Coos. Coqille, Rogue, Chetco, Winchuck, Smith, Lower Klamath, Trinity, Mad, Mattole and the three forks of the the Eel, upper Sacramento, Pit and etc. And Yea, I been pissed, and still am. Ive been born and raised in Northern CA. and So. OR. and currently livin for the past 25 years lived in the Idaho Panhandle. The BLM, EPA, Fish and Gamed among other agencies have screwed up as well, both States and Federal. As for the Native Americans, they have been sudued like the Blacks, Hispanics, Asians and Whites. Indeed, the majority of all Americans prefer handouts, motorized recreation. sports/ entertainment and technology, with no thoughts of clean air, water, food and etc. Agenda 21 and it’s many tongues via their “Indigenous Treaty” all, but requires that Native Americans bow and pray for existence to those who’s Ancestors have conquered their Ancestors many years ago which is completely intolerable and non-negotiable with my Ancestry.

This really is a big deal, then to make things even worse the water master has been breaking state law and is not turning the water off by date. Instead he has been picking the areas where the people who have been fighting this the hardest are and has been turning those areas off and leaving areas where the people have been keeping their heads down or supporting the Tribe alone to be turned off last, even if they have the latest dates in the whole system. The end result has been that while on the ranch we have the oldest water right in the whole basin, second to the Tribes, others with 1950s water rights and later will be irrigating for 2-3 weeks longer than we are with our 1864 water rights.

Where do we go from here? Monday is the rally and then Tuesday a judge in town will start deciding if we can get a stay, which would allow us to irrigate while the high Government/Tribal claims are fought in the local court system. If he is quick about it and we get water back on the dry fields soon we may be able to save our fall feed. That said most of the ranchers, ourselves included have either been selling livestock or moving them out of the area. For us, we were able to move them to a different drainage in the county, but still expect to be short on feed especially this fall.  Most people did not have more grass in the county and are shipping the cattle and the revenue and jobs that go with them to other states now. >>

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