And not in recent memory has the spokesperson for the president of the
United States, knowing that Israel and many of its American friends have
criticized the administration’s Iran policy, accused detractors of
leading a “
march to war,” thereby opening a Pandora’s box of hateful recrimination that will be difficult to close.
Hippocrates (c.469-c.377 BC) wrote the oldest known systematic account
of interdependence between human and environmental health in his
treatise Airs, Water and Places. In Hippocrates’ words, the physician
who is an honour to his profession is the one: “who has due regard to
the seasons of the year, and the diseases which they produce; to the
states of the wind peculiar to each country and the qualities of its
waters; who marks carefully the localities of towns, and of the
surrounding country, whether they are low or high, hot or cold, wet or
dry; who, moreover, takes note of the diet and regimen of the
inhabitants, and in a word, of all the causes that may produce disorder
in the animal economy.”
Americans don't have to accept the insanity anymore. The criminals are all exposed via KAREN HUDES. Israel isn't about religion other than the practice of the Metzitzah b'peh to destroy the bond between men and women via male mutilation. Apartheid in the head as seen in killing our own species as Genocide Agenda 21, Et Cetera!