Wednesday, November 27, 2013

TANKS Giving isn't Giving THANKS Not Since FRAUD 'New World Pilgrim Thanksgiving Story', & FRAUD Think Tank Project for a New American Century [PNAC] global mass murder killer/$ U$ZioCon$ continues

Is there a break between Obama-Kerry and Israel or is this just grand theater?
halcyon days
The Halcyon is a bird of Greek legend and the name is now commonly given to the European Kingfisher. The ancients believed that the bird made a floating nest in the Aegean Sea and had the power to calm the waves while brooding her eggs. Fourteen days of calm weather were to be expected when the Halcyon was nesting - around the winter solstice, usually 21st or 22nd of December. The Halcyon days are generally regarded as beginning on the 14th or 15th of December.

A senior White House official has said that Israel’s “all-or-nothing” posture demanding a total halt to Iran’s nuclear energy program is a path to war.In a conference call with think tanks and advocacy groups sympathetic to the Obama administration’s strategy with Iran, the official said Israel’s stance would “close the door on diplomacy” and would “essentially lead to war.”  
Just as surely as a spider weaves its web, Zionists have climbed dizzyingly high on the world power ladder, bent on crushing and discarding whoever and whatever will oppose its world domination agenda and race for ultimate rule. 
Ever since the Zionists fooled a weak and exhausted post-WWII world community into buying into its so-called legitimate religious aspirations for a Jewish state on Palestinian land, Zionists have held the Islamic world hostage, having laid the cornerstone of the next battle to be had. World War III is a work in progress, if only we were to open our eyes. 
In the midst of all this Iran talk we must not forget about Syria.  The mercenaries of the US, Israel, Saudi Arabia and NATO are still continuing their deadly games. Although the BBC and CNN will tell us it's both sides killing children, we have to question their integrity. Syria is of course another war for Israel and the Saudis have a vested interest but sane people all over the world know this carnage must stop. Once again, just ask "Who Benefits?"
More than 11,000 children have died in Syria's civil war, including 128 killed by chemical weapons and hundreds targeted by snipers, a British think-tank says.
The Oxford Research Group, which specialises in global security, said in a new study that there were 11,420 recorded deaths of children aged 17 years and under.

The report, entitled Stolen Futures: The Hidden Toll of Child Casualties in Syria, analyses data from the beginning of the conflict in March, 2011, until August, 2013

The think-tank said 764 children were summarily executed and 389 were killed by sniper fire in the conflict.
While the US moves towards becoming a third world country that won't even take care of its own, our tax dollars go to the murdering of children in countries that are not our enemy. Somehow, someway, we have to stop this or next it could very well be be our own children, in our own streets. 

1 comment:

  1. Criminally insane 'Homo sapien/$' are indeed known by way of mass murdering our own species, call the act WAR.
