Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Affable Barry, the US president, also known as Double O Bama with a license to kill (list) ......

has sung the Iron Lady's praises as if she was Dame Judi Dench on a James Bond franchise .. The rest of the world, as usual, knows better .. an enthusiastic supporter of apartheid; branded Nelson Mandela as a terrorist; detested alien cultures,  supported the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia; and was so cozy with Chilean mass murderer Augusto Pinochet that she hosted him when he was trying to flee his heavy load.

All across Latin America, her Fame, what's your name? may barely be hinted at here.  The custard in the rhubarb pie was a nasty, military coup-loving son.

>>THE ROVING EYE How Bowiemania buries Thatcherism By Pepe Escobar

She'll come, she'll go
She'll lay belief on you

But she won't stake her life on you
How can life become her point of view?

- David Bowie, Lady Grinning Soul
When the tone of the music changes
The walls of the city shake.

- Plato, The Republic
LONDON - There's a brand new dance but I don't know its name/that people from bad homes do again and again/It's big and it's bland full of tension and fear/They do it over there but we don't do it here.

Tension and fear; oh, that's so Europe 2013. But people from bad homes, you bet they do it over here; it's the Ziggy plays Maggie dance. 


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