Monday, April 15, 2013

Communitarian Creed

From its headquarters in Haifa Israel and under the authority of the Universal House of Justice, Bahá’í is overseen country-to-country by National and Local Spiritual Assemblies. The religion is an international phenomenon, with its spiritual founder prophesying a global socio-political transformation under the Bahá’í order’s aegis.

“The Bahá’í Faith is the youngest of the world’s independent religions,” the International Bahá’í Community website notes.
Its founder, Bahá’u'lláh (1817-1892), is regarded by Bahá’ís as the most recent in the line of Messengers of God that stretches back beyond recorded time and that includes Abraham, Moses, Buddha, Krishna, Zoroaster, Christ and Muhammad. The central theme of Bahá’u'lláh’s message is that humanity is one single race and that the day has come for its unification in one global society. God, Bahá’u'lláh said, has set in motion historical forces that are breaking down traditional barriers of race, class, creed, and nation and that will, in time, give birth to a universal civilization.[6]
In 1982 the Bahá’í faith unambiguously professed before the United Nations “the goal of a new World Order, Divine in origin, all-embracing in scope, equitable in principle, challenging in its features — that a harassed humanity must strive.”[7]

Toward this end Bahá’ís’ guiding philosophy and goals include:
All humanity is one family.
Women and men are equal.
All prejudice—racial, religious, national, or economic—is destructive and must be overcome.
We must investigate truth for ourselves, without preconceptions.
Science and religion are in harmony.
Our economic problems are linked to spiritual problems.
All major religions come from God.
World peace is the crying need of our time.
If this is indeed the basis of a global religion, before which all other beliefs and denominations must yield, there are a number of obvious concerns. For example, how does one define national or economic “prejudice”? Will one’s economic wherewithal be contingent upon converting to a new, state-mandated religion/spirituality? And along these lines, if science and religion are conflated, what entities will help determine the moral parameters of the many scientific pursuits that run counter to and endanger life on earth? Under such a scheme will psychiatrists and bioethicists make up a new clergy? Many of the Bahá’í tenets would fit well in a technocratic order where the state is the foremost authority.

According to the Center for Media and Democracy’s Sourcewatch database [8] the Bahá’í faith’s ambitious vision is a forthrightly political project calling for the creation of
A World Super State
A World Legislator
Unification of all the world’s religions under the umbrella of the Bahá’í faith
A World Parliament
A World Police Force
A Supreme Tribunal
A Single World Currency
A World Taxation System
A Single Universal Auxiliary Language
Implementation of Agenda 21 and the Earth Charter
Establishment of a World Free Trade Area
Along with the institutionalized secular faith of carbon-centric environmentalism that figures centrally in the Bahá’ís’ undertakings, the Unity Project’s understated transnationalism is likewise making inroads at public schools and in communities throughout the world. As in his previous endeavors, the Sandy Hook tragedy has provided the backdrop for Woodall’s evangelizing that seeks to realign the traumatized individual and group toward certain ideals and norms. What is arguably of concern is that Woodall proceeds under the cover of mental health professional while espousing an ardent globalist ideology that runs counter to the traditional political beliefs and religious faiths that, for better or worse, are espoused by a majority of the world’s population.

In the broader scheme of things the impulses and goals of the anti-individualistic Bahá’í faith’s and Dr. Woodall’s Unity Project provide clear glimpses of what may soon become a prevalent if not compulsory worldview–the elements of which are already being employed to ease the world’s population into a heightened tempo of violent and traumatic mediated events en route to the digitally-enforced feudalism of the twenty-first century.

Global Governance and the “New World Order Religion” ~ The Role of the Baha'i. In the Wake of the Newtown School Massacre, By Prof. James Tracy Global Research, 14Apr'13

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