Tuesday, April 16, 2013

False Flags: Boston Marathon, 911, Oklahoma, et al, etc

Why did the Boston bomb squad know all this in advance?
Eyewitness :  bombs, officials said just a drill! ~logically all were informed before the bomb drill.
Local15TV.com, a University of Mobile’s Cross Country Coach said there were bomb-sniffing dogs at both the start and finish lines, long before any explosions went off. He said:
They kept making announcements on the loud speaker that it was just a drill and there was nothing to worry about. It seemed like there was some sort of threat, but they kept telling us it was just a drill ~
.. official story cover .. Obama's response real proof .TSA everybody safekeeping ~ political false flag TSA lockdown justification >>http://www.globalresearch.ca/official-story-unraveling-for-boston-marathon-bombing-clear-evidence-points-to-bomb-squads-prior-knowledge/5331559

FBI's History of Handing "Terror Suspects" Live Explosives, By Tony Cartalucci

April 16, 2013 (LD) - In late September 2011, AFP reported that a man was charged with "planning to fly explosive-packed, remote controlled airplanes into the Pentagon and the Capitol in Washington." In its report, "US man charged with Pentagon bomb plot," AFP stated (emphasis added):

During the alleged plot, undercover FBI agents posed as accomplices who supplied Ferdaus with one remote-controlled plane, C4 explosives, and small arms that he allegedly envisioned using in a simultaneous ground assault in Washington.

>>Recent explosions at the Boston Marathon have left two dead and many more injured. While the public waits to find out who will be blamed, and the role, if any the FBI played in the lead up to the explosions, it would be best to keep in mind the insidious and/or incompetent role the FBI has played during similar events, some of which have occurred recently and in close proximity to the latest explosions.

Already some across the Western media are attempting to draw parallels to the September 11, 2001 attacks in New York and Washington - despite the fact that the US is now deliberately funding and arming Al Qaeda in Syria, as well as openly supporting previously listed terrorist organization, Mujahedeen e-Khalq (MEK), in Iran. Vigilance must be kept against Western governments eager to both exploit and perpetuate  terrorism and tragedy as well as manufacture it when necessary.



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