New York Times Chimes Against Monsanto's GMOs, at long last "The Grey-Gray Lady" shows up when the story is "SAFE?!"
That’s a pre-emptive Congressional override of the judicial system,
since it is the courts that are most likely to ask the U.S.D.A. to halt
planting or harvest of a particular crop. President Obama signed the
bill last week (he kind of had to, to prevent a government shutdown)
without mentioning the offensive rider [2] (he might have), despite the gathering of more than 250,000 signatures protesting the rider by the organization Food Democracy Now!
True enough. But “seed genetics” refers not only to genetically
engineered seeds but to seeds whose genetics have been altered by
conventional means, like classical breeding. In fact, as I said up top,
genetic engineering, or, more properly, transgenic engineering – in
which a gene, usually from another species of plant, bacterium or
animal, is inserted into a plant in the hope of positively changing its
nature – has been disappointing.

Why Do G.M.O.’s Need Protection?
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