Tuesday, April 2, 2013

"Smart Power"

Korean cloud obscures Almaty talks By Kaveh L Afrasiabi

NEW YORK - That the Korean crisis is boiling steadily to new heights is bound to create some minor ruptures for the Iran nuclear negotiations scheduled to resume in Almaty, Kazakhstan, on April 5. This is an inescapable conclusion, drawn from the mere fact that the US and its allies cannot stomach two simultaneous crises in different parts of the world, particularly in today's age of deep Pentagon budget cuts. The Obama administration should think along the lines of "smart power" - that essentially means no unrealistic, and therefore self-defeating, power overstretch ..

In May 2010, the White House rejected a nuclear deal brokered by Turkey and Brazil, which it has encouraged earlier, thus proving once again its preference for a "stalemate". Unfortunately, there are plenty of indications that once again the US is letting another opportunity with Iran slip by, instead of making firm commitments to remove its sanctions in return for Iranian compromises, for example on 20% uranium enrichment and greater nuclear transparency. The big question is if Washington, grappling with the North Korea's "clear and present danger" can really afford this pattern of obstructing a reasonable endgame in the Iran nuclear crisis? 


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