Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Technology, America's Burlesque "Justice"

>>This is just perfect, since money is really what's on the mind of politicians most minutes of most days .. Senators need to raise about $10,000 per week, every week they're in office to fund their campaigns, according to studies .. At least one report suggested that members of Congress should devote about four hours per day to fundraising, which is about how much they spend on all of their other work combined .. In a followup, she tweeted.

Why Bitcoin Is Like No Other Bubble We've Seen Before, Joe Weisenthal    | Apr. 3, 2013,

It's hard for any rational human to look at this chart, and not conclude that Bitcoin is on an utterly parabolic rise, fueled by greed, speculation, and fascination, while being completely divorced from any "fundamentals."

New Yorker's Maria Bustillos - The Bitcoin Boom

Maria Bustillos gives an overview of the events prior to Bitcoin's steep rise in value, continues with an analysis of what drives people to invest in Bitcoin, a recap of the technology behind Bitcoin, and how Bitcoin is organized. She closes with an overview of recent important acceptance milestones and an interview with Mike Caldwell who sells Casascius coins. (further discussion)

read more (via

Herein lies the rub~  Howlin Coyote~

America, the United States' REPUBLIC, owned the technology of International Business Machines [IBM] and what did we get?  Tweets plus whatever can get manufactured to steal the brain/s of humans that are doing-doing clueless, in how to be a Century Twenty One [C XXI] BEING.

Mozart Beings?  America, are there any any Beethoven Beings?  No Beethovens, No Mozarts, from America's technology leadership that also should progress the arts.

No Shakespeare and no great literary geniuses in the USA during technology's all powerful reign.

There are not recognized great visual artists, either.

Thus, technology has done significant landmark realities in the United States of America:  Empire Burlesque protected by the technocratic "justices" to serve the dish cold junkie rule revenge Federal Reserve System's Technomaniacs' BIBLICAL GHETTO HELL.

And what for?  For being born as other than what was intended by the super duper insane HAL computer in Tel Aviv, called the Fed's "Israel."

What do American politicians do?  TWEET FOR MORE MONEY TO GIVE TO THEIR CAPTOR.

There is a very old term for this behavior, way older than the "Stockholm Syndrome."

Watch the film Goya's Ghosts, this agenda is very long in the tooth to be certain and therefore, time for the change promised by the greatest fraud sold via technology, to-date.

Technology in America needs to get into a treatment program to figure out what substance abused the gene of altruism.  Oops, it's not human, it's technology - well, except in USA, it has been made to be the "Golden Calf." 

CH or HC depends upon whether or not the moon is waxing or waning.

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