Too Big To Fail ~Too Big To Jail BUT, NOT Though Too Big Of Hogs, The Greater The Hogs The Greater The Slaughter
April 08, 2013, A Yen for Cash: How the Bank of Japan Could Threaten the Global Economy, By Michael Schuman,KIMIMASA MAYAMA / EPA
Follow @TIMEBusiness Japan has been an
experiment in economics ever since its crushing defeat at the end of
World War II ... after the country’s massive
stock-and-property-price bubble exploded in the early 1990s, Japan
became a much examined case study in how to handle (or not handle) a
financial crisis ... Japan is embarking on yet another set of unconventional policies in
an attempt to revive itself, which, if successful, could rewrite the
rules of fiscal and monetary policy ..economists
will likely be studying Japan for decades to come.
the study of law only narrows minds, the study of economics seems to
turn them to mush. Those not content to remain mush heads may study
econometrics, a field that Paul Volker once said makes voodoo look
respectable, and help give birth to newer and stronger demonstrations of
their diminished mental capacities, like "quantitative easing." All economists should study Bitcoin for the lessons it teaches us, some of which are:
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