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A Mohel performs a circumcision ceremony
to an 8-day-old Jewish boy. (Getty Images) |
metzitzah b’peh, *drawing blood from baby’s penis the circumciser uses his mouth .. Naomi Reice Buchwald .. USDC Judge .. AMPLE medical evidence *direct oral suction* places infants at a serious risk of herpes infection .. evidence parents .. unaware MBP circumcision .. regulation plainly addresses ..legitimate societal concerns, Buchwald wrote, according to Reuters .. In 2003 - 2004, three babies, including set of twins, infected .. Type 1 herpes; cases linked to circumcision, one boy died. *See Gilad Atzmon, "Jewish Blood Sacrifice."
"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." -- George Orwell
John Friend's Blog ~ Sunday, July 28, 2013, News from the Jews
Jewish sex scandals, promotion of transgenderism, and anti-White immigration agenda >> http://www.john-friend.net/
In the past few years, an array of Jewish politicians have been involved in sex scandals which have been publicized in the mainstream mass media. Anthony Weiner, a former New York Congressman and current candidate for mayor of New York City, and Bob Filner, the current mayor of San Diego, presently find themselves in the spotlight, with the accusations leveled against Filner particularly egregious. The Jewish Telegraph Agency ran a piece this week discussing these Jewish sex scandals:
The cloistered community that is Washington’s Jewish elite collectively choked a little Saturday morning as it progressed through a column in which Gail Collins of The New York Times named the protagonists of what she dubbed the “Weiner Spitzer summer.”
“Ever since the Clinton impeachment crisis, we’ve been discovering how much personal misbehavior we’re prepared to ignore in elected officials,” Collins wrote. “Hypocrisy, for sure. Adultery, definitely. Chronic lying, maybe. Financial skullduggery, possibly.”
Those seeking absolution this month for past misdeeds include Anthony Weiner, now running for New York mayor, who quit Congress in 2011 after he was caught saluting a female Twitter fan in his boxer briefs; Eliot Spitzer, now in a bid to be Gotham’s comptroller, who quit as the state’s governor in 2008 after the revelation that he patronized high-priced call girls — and allegedly kept his knee-highs on while doing so; and Bob Filner, who quit Congress last year to become San Diego’s first Democratic mayor in 20 years and is now facing a welter of sexual harassment claims, including allegations involving something called the “Filner headlock.”
Collins also bewilderingly brought in the bewildering case of Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.), who was caught tweeting and deleting messages to a bikini model during the State of the Union address in February. Turns out she was his recently discovered love child. Then it was discovered she wasn’t. Then he commented on the looks of a reporter who asked him about the situation.
In her column, Collins did not identify the protagonists as Jewish, but their collective appearance in print unsettled Jewish political players who were whispering their names at social gatherings over the weekend. [...]
The organized Jewish community is often "unsettled" when it's members are exposed for the criminal perverts many of them so obviously are. Specifically mentioning a criminal act committed by a Jew, and identifying the perpetrator as a Jew, is often considered "anti-Semitic" by the mainstream mass media and Jewish lobbying organizations, such as the Anti-Defamation League and AIPAC. Jews despise having their crimes and identities revealed, and work overtime to coverup, downplay, excuse, or whitewash the crimes they are actually exposed of having committed in the mass media.
I'd like to make a few more comments regarding San Diego's disgusting perverted Jewish mayor, Bob Filner, since San Diego is where I reside. Virtually the entire political establishment, at the local, state, and federal level, and a variety of well-known and respectable residents of San Diego have publicly called for Filner to resign in light of the allegations made by some very high-profile, credible female sources who worked with Filner over the years. Despite this pressure, and the nature of the allegations against him - including aggressive and arguably violent sexual harassment and assault, sexual groping of female staff and subordinates, verbal sexual harassment and advancements, and other lewd and perverted behaviors - Filner refuses to resign, and will instead be entering a "treatment facility on Aug. 5 for two weeks of intensive therapy," according to an official statement from the Mayor's office. Filner was quoted in The Times of Israel as saying, "During this time period I will be in the clinic full-time, though every morning and evening I will be briefed on city activities.” Talk about chutzpah...
Bob Filner clearly as no shame, as the Daily Stormer recently noted, and he should be ran out of the fine city of San Diego.
The elites controlling America - and particularly the Jewish elite - think they do can whatever they want to whoever they want whenever they want. They firmly believe that they can rob, cheat, defraud, lie to, sexually violate, or otherwise mistreat anyone and get away with it, as if it's a special privilege God bestowed upon them. How much longer are people going to put up with this?
On a somewhat related note, if this involved the Catholic Church, it would be all over CNN and The New York Times - but it doesn't so you'll only find it in the Jewish press. The Jewish Telegraph Agency reports:
Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes released the names of 46 child sex offenders from the New York borough’s Orthodox community.
Hynes, who has been investigating sex crimes in the community for four years, released the names in a policy shift, according to the New York Post (see full list of names). Previously, Hynes had felt that releasing the names could further hurt victims or deter others from coming forward.
“We feel now it’s good for the community to know those who have been convicted,” said Hynes spokesman Jerry Schmetterer.
The District Attorney’s office is encouraging victims from the community to connect with an anonymous hotline called Kol Tzedek, Hebrew for “voice of justice,” that was set up to snare the community’s sex offenders. Calls to Kol Tzedek have resulted in 25 convictions.
Hynes has declined thus far to release the names of alleged sex offenders from the community whose cases are pending.
In previous columns here, I've noted the organized Jewish community's current efforts to normalize and promote transgenderism, a truly horrific and unacceptable social phenomenon which has been gaining traction and legitimacy in recent years. Well, nothing has changed this week, as The Jewish Daily Forward reports:
At summer camp, sneaking into the boys side or the girls side is as classic an activity as roasting marshmallows. But what if the side you were assigned isn’t where you think you belong? Or what if you don’t fit into either side?
Jewish summer camp — with its gender-segregated bunks, bathrooms, activities and rituals, not to mention emphasis on heterosexual “hookups” — can be a minefield for transgender kids and their families, a newly-visible population that is gaining increasing recognition in the Jewish and political mainstream.
Now, just as public schools are complying with legal orders to allow trans children to use the bathrooms of the gender they identify with, camps, too, are becoming aware that trans kids have always been present among the legions of youngsters who hop off the bus for a summer of fun. Making Jewish camp trans friendly is a brand-new undertaking, and no one knows exactly what lies ahead.
Is there any perverted, deviant, and unnatural sexual or social movement that has not been organized and led by the Jewish community and radical Jewish perverts? We've seen the Jewish community promote and even elevate homosexual lifestyles, leading to the social and political acceptance (at least in the mainstream) of homosexual marriage and homosexual adoption. The organized Jewish community largely runs the pornography industry, and champions destructive, promiscuous, and unhealthy lifestyles in the mass media, entertainment industry, and Hollywood. The Marxist assault on traditional White Western civilization led by the organized Jewish community, radical Jewish intellectuals, and Jewish politicians has virtually destroyed America and much of the West. Until we recognize this, and deal with it in a rational and objective manner (i.e., rejecting and shunning these movements and ideologies), we will only see our nations continue to degenerate, with fatal consequences.
A major strategy pursued by the organized Jewish community in the West - America, Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, and Europe - has been to dilute and ultimately destroy the racial makeup of our White nations, especially via massive non-White, Third World immigration into Western nations, as Dr. Kevin MacDonald and others have conclusively established. This strategy is primarily concerned with displacing and replacing the traditional White Christian establishment in the West with minorities (sexual and racial) and immigrants. Organized Jewry truly is the destroyer of Western civilization.
The fact that the organized Jewish community wishes to destroy traditional White America was made plainly obvious - yet again - this past week, as the Latino-Jewish Congressional caucus urged "a path to citizenship" for millions of the non-White, Third world invaders of the United States who have subverted our immigration laws and compromised the sovereignty of our nation, as the Jewish Telegraph Agency reported:
A bipartisan caucus of Jewish and Hispanic members of the U.S. House of Representatives said a path to citizenship for undocumented workers should underpin immigration reform.
The co-chairs of the Latino-Jewish Congressional Caucus — Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Fla.), the chairwoman of the House Middle East subcommittee; Rep. Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.), the top Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee; Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.), the chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee; and Rep. Xavier Becarra (D-Calif.) — said this week that immigration reform should include a “viable and efficient” path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants and “smart, effective and humane” border enforcement.
“As longtime partners on these issues, we call for pragmatic common-sense solutions to fix our immigration system in a way that meets our nation’s economic needs, protects those who flee persecution, reflects our shared commitment to security, justice, equal opportunity, family unification, immigrant integration and human dignity,” the statement said.
A comprehensive immigration reform plan has passed the U.S. Senate but is foundering in the House, where some Republicans say border enforcement should be its emphasis, rather than avenues to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.
The American Jewish Committee praised the caucus’ statement.
“The Latino-Jewish Congressional Caucus initiative is critically important, emphasizing that both communities in the U.S. have been actively advocating for long overdue immigration reform,” Dina Siegel Vann, director of AJC’s Latino and Latin American Institute, said in a statement.
Then we had this piece from The Jewish Daily Forward:
For 25 years, Roy Naim, an undocumented immigrant, led a secretive life. Having no identification papers, he could not drive, rent an apartment or be legally employed. Worst of all, he constantly feared being deported from his home and family. All he did was try to lie low, and somehow get by.
Naim is still undocumented. But in the past year he has been doing anything but lying low. Since June 2012, the young man, who spent his entire adult life in the shadow of society, has appeared on the cover of Time magazine, was featured in a documentary and was interviewed by the New York Daily News. He is constantly on Twitter and Facebook, promoting a new immigration bill that would secure his future as an American.
Naim, 29, an Israeli-born Orthodox Jew, has become the Jewish face of activism for immigration reform.
In many ways he’s an unusual figure among immigrant activists. Three-quarters of the nation’s unauthorized immigrants are Hispanic, along with 11% from Asia, according to a 2009 Pew Research Study. Less than 2% are from the Middle East. [...]
Unbelievable! Roy Naim, an admittedly "undocumented immigrant" - an illegal invader of America who should be immediately arrested and deported - is the "Jewish face for activism for immigration reform," according to the Forward.
Reading the stories above this week had me particularly outraged, more so than normal, largely as a result of also reading about a 93-year-old White woman getting brutally assaulted, raped, and murdered by a 19-year-old illegal invader from Mexico in my hometown of Omaha, Nebraska. Then there was the report that an illegal invader who had 37 criminal convictions was only just now being deported. And to top it off, the Jew Joe Klein, writing in TIME Magazine, openly praised the destruction of White America, essentially arguing that "Immigration will save the U.S. from White racism," as Dr. Kevin MacDonald's commentary on Klein's anti-White article correctly observed over at The Occidental Observer.
This is pure madness folks - our nation is being overrun and destroyed by people that do not look like us, do not speak the same language as us, do not have the same mental and intellectual capacities as us, do not have the same cultural, historical, or political traditions as us, and who are often hostile to us and our way of life - and we're supposed to be OK with this? We're supposed to accept what the Jews and "Hispanics" want - total amnesty for illegal invaders and even more non-White, Third world immigration - and not get upset or outraged? Is this acceptable to you?
Posted by John Friend at 10:21 PM
Labels: News from the Jews
AnonymousJuly 29, 2013 at 2:45 AM
but the good news is CUFI and all the "JEW" worshipping "Baptists" are doubling down on all those "BLESSINGS" America is benefitting from for blessing the ASHKENAZIM "khazar" "JEWS" [GOG & MAGOG - PROSELYTES to TALMUDIC JUDAISM]
who allege that they are actually all 12 TRIBES [Company of Nations]
of the Children of Israel....
so God & Jesus are Liars or the "Jews"...
time to choose.
When the most vile of the species Homo Sapiens are in control of the purchasing power to live in earth and then the armies to kill whatever needs to be dead so the vile evil can be what IT is, then the billions of humans need to STOP all 'energy' until the vile evil is an alchemy of balance.