Friday, January 24, 2014


Khan Manka, Jr. assumed the title of Chairman & CEO of Manka Bros. Studios following his father Harry Manka's death in 1976.

Before that he was the member of several Southern California rock bands.

Khan Manka, Jr.:  So… this is my second trip in a year to give a speech in Switzerland.  As many of you know, I spoke to the creepy Bilderberg Conference last summer.  I won’t go into details – but it was the worst  24 hours of my life.  I mean, the hooded waiters were one thing – but the Lionel Richie concert – that was just too much!

(Big laugh from the room.)

Khan Manka, Jr.:  Man, when the Davos bankers think the Bilderbergers are creepy – you know they must be REALLY REALLY CREEPY.  Cause you guys are a fucked up bunch.  Do you really think you can do anything to help anybody in the world?  You freaks are delusional.  Panels and Powerpoint slides aren’t going to cut it.  Admit it, you’re here for the hot toddys and snow bunnies– that’s right, I’m looking at you Angela Merkel!

(A few gasps and a couple of walk outs.)

Khan Manka, Jr.:  Wait wait… that’s not the tone I want to strike.  I’m actually here to ask for your help.  The last time I spoke at this conference was two years ago and I slammed you all pretty good.  I definitely remember calling that guy ‘fat’ – (pointing to a guy in the audience) – but I’m not going to do that this year – even though, dude, the health club here at the hotel is free, man – take advantage.

(There is an unseen ‘Fu$k you’ from the audience.  Klaus Schwab comes on the stage.)

Khan Manka, Jr.:  Got it, Klaus.  You guys are definitely not going to do anything good for the world if you can’t take a joke.  OK – my speech.  (reading) In Hollywood, we are facing the battle of our lives.  This is a battle for our very existence.  As many of you know, entrepreneurs from Silicon Valley are a bunch of conceited pri$ks who think they can do whatever they want.  Whether it’s using Hollywood content without permission or stealing other people’s ideas, putting a new logo on it and calling it ‘revolutionary’ (is Paul Graham here today?) – we’ve got a big problem on our hands.

(The crowd is getting uneasy.)

Khan Manka, Jr.:  And there really is only one solution.  One of us must win.  And one of us must lose.  I, for one, do not lose.  So the loser is Silicon Valley.  But we’re going to need a lot of support from the bankers and billionaires of the world to basically shut down the area between, oh, let’s say – San Francisco and Santa Barabara.  Just shut it down.  Make all the wine you want – but no more stupid social networks.  No more loans.  No more IPOs.  Just shut the fu$ker down.  The world can get their computers and dorky FarmVille games from somewhere else.  I’m sure there are companies in Switzerland capable of making digital sheep.  I mean, you make a lot of real sheep, am I right?

1 comment:

  1. Holly Wool got turned into the Wood of Petrified CIA and nobody wants that "Party" invited to any congregation of human beings!
