Friday, January 24, 2014

MERSCORP Shell Game Attacked by Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway, formerly MERSCORP Shell Game (UPDATED 1/24/14 from 1/24/13)

The same holds true  for US Bank, Mellon, Chase, Deutsch and others. Applying basic black letter law, the only possible conclusion here is that the mortgages cannot be foreclosed, the notes cannot be enforced, the debt can be collected ONLY upon proof of payment and proof of loss. This is how it always was, for obvious reasons, and this is what we should re turn to, providing a degree of certainty to the marketplace that does not and will never exist without the massive correction in title corruption and the wrongful foreclosures conducted by what the reviewers in the San Francisco audit called “strangers to the transaction.”

MERSCORP Shell Game Attacked by Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway

.. to be continued ...

1 comment:

  1. When Agenda 21 was DECIDED then the MERS RICO was a very well thought out package for the "Legal Tribe"!?? What were the so called 'higher educated' thinking! In a word, NOT. NOT Thinking of other than the insatiable greediness of being off shore so called zillionaires. In a word, STUPID.
