Friday, January 24, 2014

Shark Tank's Kevin O'Leary says 3.5 billion people in comparative poverty is 'fantastic news'

"What can be wrong with this?" investor asks

[sidebar: United States Citizens live in a WAR ZONE.

Land Mass named North American continent where US Citizens 'live', is perpetually AT WAR!

ENEMIES FOREIGN, DOMESTIC, DRUGS, TERROR or name a trade in the exchange of Wall Street's Congress that isn't deeply in pockets lined with the blood, sweat, tears and ALL the ASSET RECOVERY as they think the COLONIALISM is.  Breaking the American Dream over and over again and call this act democratically growing liberties!

American't the real ISM.  Exceptional?  Only in acting as though the experiment which failed already, is now etched in the way ITS' gonna be.

Hebrew wanted to be the Ottoman history tap root, but not gonna happen "Hebes".

American't get the idea back that was about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Broken Dreams.  Killed Dead Any-All 'Truth In Justice'.  Rule of law annihilated and due process flushed into the filthy dirty contaminated sewer while the U.S. Constitution -- was-as-in South Africa, a tire set on fire and thrown around the neck, and flames devoured IT.

Separation from the species looks exactly like the mutilation of the innocent.  Begin with healing the cutting of our infants, the newborn not experimented on and the mother before pregnancy learning about what life really is about.  There is no understanding in the practice of Apartheid, Genocide.  Monsters are in control of the earth.  Maybe there are enough conscious and intelligent humans to take the criminally insane monsters and not allow this IT to extinct our species.]

.. to be continued ...

1 comment:

  1. When the criminally insane think CREDIT FRAUD IS RICH? Time to get the sharks working the tank!
