Monday, November 4, 2013

Addicts to the DOPE of US-ZioCons' POTUSES, FLOTUSES, SCOTUSES & JIHADS' Via 'Obama' First Jewish Black US President' -ET AL- Crying Out Loud Toxic Shame

THE "BEARD" DIDN'T WORK, NOT the "Black" either

Last Year President Obama Reportedly Told His Aides That He’s ‘Really Good At Killing People’
This will not go over well for the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize winner.

According to the new book “Double Down,” in which journalists Mark Halperin and John Heilemann chronicle the 2012 presidential election, President Barack Obama told his aides that he’s “really good at killing people” while discussing drone strikes.

Peter Hamby of The Washington Post reported the nugget in his review of the book.  The claim by the commander-in-chief is as indisputable as it is grim.

[SIDEBAR:  Not working with a "full deck" as the saying goes, the so called PEACE PRIZE 'gay guy' that did his so called 'lover' in ITS' said.

THE ritual has to be someone killed.  Think about John F. Kennedy Jr., and George W. Bush Jr.'s 'entry into the cult of mass murdering criminally insane US-ZioCons', there is so much incredible ignorance in our America.

Those that aren't sick at this criminal insanity of sickest of our species aren't thinking-feeling-evolving Homo Sapiens being human AND that's truly GRIM, very-very GRIM REAL TAILS Via Fairies]

When Endocrine System Is BENT? Confused Via Metzitzah b'peh?  Whew what damage control due process law

... to be continued ....


  1. No amount of COVER UP CIA NSA FBI DHS Et Al covers up and destroys all in ITS' path of covering up the reality, the global human people 'family' aren't allowing the cover up to be but, FULLY TRANSPARENT

  2. Barry Soetoro is a false flag candidate inserted into our political system without any substantive vetting whatsoever by a fawning 4th Estate or by any effective investigative branch of government. His most destructive policies are overseen by Valerie Jarrett, an Iranian Muslim who is directing Soetoro's current demand for hundreds of thousands of completely unknown "ISIS refugees", who are totally incapable of being investigated and who are slated to be transported into our reddest of red states, has herself has never undergone the slightest bit of investigation. America, today, is being directed by a cabal of individuals bent on it's destruction and their policies are antithetical to our survival as citizens of what used to a country boasting of religious freedom Now Christianity is under direct assault inside America as the result of the ideals, outlook, policies, and activities of the leadership of our highest aspects of government - led by Soetoro and Jarrett, much of which has been populated with members of the Muslim Brotherhood, whose numbers have been picked by Jarrett and inserted by Obama. Will we survive as America as these posers begin to accelerate their policies in the waning years of Soetoro/Obama? Only the next few months will tell.
