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Michael Wright |
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Roger Shuler |
[SIDEBAR#1: The U$A is Ghetto Hell by design and the truth in justice isn't. At this time the Democrats and Republicans are forced into an impotency due to allowing the Constitution to be a piece of paper that didn't mean other than toilet paper just like the so called money.
America has been stole out rode hard and put away almost dead. On life support, the truth is. FAILING due to the APARTHEID-GENOCIDE.]
In July 2011 Riley registered with the Alabama Ethics Commission as a lobbyist working on behalf of Austal USA, a company building warships for the Navy at its shipyard in Mobile, and EADS North America, a manufaturer of refueling tanker aircraft for the Air Force in Mobile. http://www.archives.state.al.us/govs_list/riley.html
[SIDEBAR#2: In the State of Oregon, and in the State of Alabama, the APARTHEID is glaring. Every State has an APARTHEID. Begin with the fact, that, the so called government can do whatever IT chooses to do, and call the act lawful.
IT isn't the AMERICAN GOVERNMENT. IT is IT, the APARTHEID which the British have been at since the beginning of time. Read Barbara Tuchman Et Al. The enlightenment was covered up and now GENOCIDE is transparent to maybe stop the nuclear winter.
Nuclear detonation? Please when did IT know the boundary of sane?
Criminally insane. The so called government that isn't government is criminally insane.
The case of Roger Shuler opens Pandora's Box 'again'. IT has never been closed since the DRUGS got brought into our children's schools and made into war zombies for the criminally insane.
PENTAGON and ITS' 'leadership' KISSINGER, his 'mentor' FRITZ KRAEMER. Please when do we awaken from the dead.
We're supposed to be in the Twenty-first Century.
Middle Ages mentality, see Legal Schnauzer incarceration and Michael Wright's story, isn't necessary.
RANDY LEONARD of Portland, Oregon, decided with ANN L. AIKEN, to be Nazis after a fashion. Dictating to the American people the way life was supposed to be for the SUPREMACISTS, that also do what is done in the State of ALABAMA, like in China, too.
China and Russia and name a country not destroyed via DRUGS.
The State of Alabama is not civilized and neither is Oregon State. These rogue States have relied upon taking the rule of law and turning this power into a powerlessness for the individual. This is an abomination of due process.
People in Alabama have been exposed for acting sick, which we all are - very sick. Look at the FRAUD which was institutionalized via the so called 'Zionists'.
Planet Earth can't take anymore of the human being toxic shame. The criminally insane are destroying the life forms, all, and because the mental diseases made to order are about self-loathing-suicide, the experiment is almost at critical mass destruction of our species.
Rileys are not trustworthy. Leonard, Katz, Goldschmidt, Kroeger, there are far too many in Oregon, too, who don't qualify to be held in the esteem of a U.S. Constitutional 'Government'.
The Crossroads has been and is, here. The DEVIL in the details is known. Now we grow-up and take the human condition of APARTHEID - GENOCIDE Ghetto Hell, and COMMUNICATE & COOPERATE as people 'ALL' who aren't comatose and / or dead, after all.
Lieyers are unfortunately in the worst place in history, the schooled in 'law' U.$. are learning the real law has not protected America from the ZioCon$ Agenda/s and this is most embarrassing to learn that zillions of words aren't passing the CONSTITUTIONAL MUSTER.
How many LEGAL EAGLES are there in the United States of America that see the future as did the great minds who believed in the LIBERTY of sovereign 'mony' and now what would our greatest 'government leaders' do with 'digital' 'credit-mony'.
What a Renaissance long overdue.]
... to be continued ....
How our lives woulda coulda shoulda been and now must get to be, we learn the HISTORY of how did we fail so miserably our US Constitutional Muster, IMMEDIATELY!