Tuesday, November 19, 2013

"Arrogant Dragon/s Will Have Cause To Repent"

Jacqueline Bouvier >> When we take the American culture, such as Mark Twain, and look at the "No Child Left Behind" schooling and worse, now ... ADD this insult to injury of NO GREAT AMERICAN NOVEL taught in the schools, U$A.  PLUS ADD the women fine artists never recognized in the U.S.A., too!  Too many to name and how about the men?  We should be ashamed of the ideologies sold to U.$. via the Rothschild Dynasty that has destroyed every idea of sane in earth since IT got hold of the imagination and planted the seed of superstition that 'money' belonged only to 'them'.   Using terrorism sold as RELIGION/$.  MAKE NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT, IT DOES WHATEVER IT CAN TO STOP HUMAN GENIUS FROM BEING.  Only doing for the Houses of Vile Evil, and that is the true damned reality.  ARROGANT DRAGONS do not get a pass in the time capsule of life in the universe when we must remember what we were 'born' to be.  ARTHUR G. DOVE.  Our own pre-Kandinsky AND beg the question -- WHAT'S REALLY BEEN GOING ON HERE!?? >> http://www.globalresearch.ca/americas-failing-infrastructure/5358613 >> WHY NOT BLIMPS and NOT drones!  Americans have been turned into turnips for the farm owners to take to market as long as the dumber than boxes of rocks do not demand better than what we're getting.  I'm sick to death of the stupid and the stupider.  The stupid are the so called government that isn't government.  The stupider are those that think they pay to learn law and then get to be stupider than the stupid.  Women in America aren't allowed to truly be whole.  Look at Hillary Clinton.  She is an abomination of the idea, 'femininity'.  Feminine is an energy and those like Pelosi, Boxer, Feinstein, Clintons Hillary & Chelsea, and name a woman leader in the U.S.A. that can actually be also seen as a very powerful sexual energy for the good of all humans -- Elizabeth Warren is the only close encounter with this kind. Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy & Eleanor Roosevelt, First Lady/ies in the White House to honor women.  First Lady Eleanor brought the reality that 'dyslexia' (Einstein's condition too), wasn't a 'handicap' as what was and is 'sold' to humans.  Jacqueline brought high esteem to the arts.  AND what did the House of Rots-child do? 
The U.$ does not and did not, choose to be a higher thinking nation.  This unsolved crime against ALL USA, is not going to be buried as though dead.

We got robbed of more than just a great president who wanted to AUDIT THE FED.  John Fitzgerald Kennedy was assassinated by the same cabal, Rots-child Dynasty, that has stolen untold sums of 'money' from America to-date.

And, We The People just moved-move on?

No, the fine arts have been turned into tweets and twits are in control.

Dims, Nits, Half/s, THE WITT FAMILY has taken control and the out of control ignorance is reining supreme.

WE ARE ARROGANT DRAGONS, U$ AMERICANS.  We have not kept our infrastructure as modern and our art isn't even considered real culture anymore than the FRAUDULENT 'MONY'.

Allowing the crime of the Kennedy family's MURDERS, including John F. Kennedy Jr., to be unsolved is to remain as BARBARICALLY uncultured, as ever.
Slavery By A Different Name: The Convict Lease System

“12 Years a Slave”: New Film Illustrates the Horrors of the United States Slave System >>Abayomi Azikiwe, Global Research 11/19/13, Pan-African News Wire<<

“12 Years a Slave” is based on a true story written by an African who escaped bondage

Africans were enslaved by Britain and the United States in continental North America for nearly 250 years (1619-1865). The profits accrued from the Atlantic Slave Trade led to the rise of industrial capitalism and the worldwide exploitative system of imperialism. (See Capitalism and Slavery by Eric Williams, 1944)

A new film directed by Steve McQueen, a Caribbean British filmmaker of Grenadian descent, captures the horrors of slavery in the U.S. in his depiction of an autobiography, “12 Years a Slave”, written by Solomon Northup in 1853. Northup was legally a free African living in Saratoga Springs, New York who was lured to Washington, D.C. and kidnapped into slavery in Louisiana.

Northup’s life in New York was portrayed as a successful one with a loving wife and two children.

A skilled carpenter and violinist, he was invited by two white men in 1841 to come to the nation’s capital to negotiate the terms of a performance tour. He was then drugged, chained to the floor of a ship and transported to Louisiana where he became a slave.



Did Jacqueline know Barbara?  Intimately in culture all women know the feminine power of the femininity of carving stone or painting, writing, name an art the genius of 'femininity' can or can't touch - we birth babies and don't need to build empires, however, we can and do, do both!

... to be continued ....






1 comment:

  1. When The Truth Is Found To BE LIES LIES ALL LIES Then The Time Has Decided To Turnaround Artistry U$A
