Saturday, November 16, 2013

Christmas Bombed Economy Gifted via Federal Reserve [Fed] NSA 'PRISM' Et Al Et Cetera = "DeAmericaniZeD" Downsized NOT Supersized Anymore

Dorothea Lange Social Security Tattoo August 1939
"Unemployed lumber worker goes with his wife to the bean harvest, Oregon"

Deflation, A Stock Market Crash And Then Christmas

Really, how wrong can a man in his position be before he’s pushed to look for alternative employment? And don’t look for any relief from Janet Yellen either, she’s been part of that same Fed all these years that continues to hand out $85 billion a month and has nothing to show for it other than some perceived moodswing and those bloated excess reserve accounts.

Print money. Mail everybody a check. Fight unemployment by giving money directly to American families.

Ben Bernanke himself famously argued years ago that a central bank should never run out of tools for fighting deflation and depression because, as a last resort, it could always drop cash out of helicopters. That would be fun to watch, obviously, but mailing checks would be a lot simpler. The best thing about helicopter money is that it’s largely agnostic as to what lies at the root of our problems. As long as you think there’s some level of excess capacity in the economy, putting cash in the hands of households will help. Most obviously, if people had more money they’d buy more stuff. That means more jobs making, transporting, and selling the stuff. But not everyone would spend all of their helicopter money. Lots of families would use it to help pay off debts already accumulated, which would help speed the process by which we climb out of the debt hole of the boom years. Matt Yglesias, Slate, 4-1-13 (I don’t think this is an April Fool’s Day effort). 

NSA Prism illustration
Prism: does the NSA have its eyes on you? Photograph: Pawel Kopczynski/Reuters The NSA's Prism: why we should care.  Politicians tell us the innocent need fear nothing from involuntary disclosure, but their actions threaten privacy and more

The NSA Is Commandeering the Internet

Washington Post
It turns out that the NSA's domestic and world-wide surveillance apparatus is even more extensive than we thought. Bluntly: The government has commandeered the Internet. Most of the largest Internet companies provide information to the NSA, betraying their users. Some, as we've learned, fight and lose. Others cooperate, either out of patriotism or because they believe it's easier that way.

I have one message to the executives of those companies: fight.
Total Information Awareness, a discontinued 2003 Bush program to “break down the stovepipes” between commercial and government databases, has been resurrected by Obama. Despite promises to end Bush abuses, Obama has permitted the NSA to turn its astounding surveillance power inwards.

Langlois: The billing clearinghouses get a very particular kind of data: the call detail records (CDRs). These add up to make bills for all users. This way, mobile operators know who owes them what. But this data can also be used by intelligence agencies to know who calls whom, when, and for how long. CDRs don't have the content of the call, just caller number, called number, duration, sometimes even caller location, etc. In intelligence jargon, that's called "traffic analysis," and it's way faster than listening to conversations from a user. That's the main tool that police forces use to gain insight into the extent of criminal rings, for example. But it's also very useful to perform counter-insurgency work by tracking who calls whom to a rally, or to know who calls the political leader of one party or another.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Could access to billing house networks be used to gain access to actual mobile networks from there?

Langlois: Billing clearinghouses have the same "walled garden" pattern. You don't expect to be hacked by your accountant. Here, it is similar: You may fear the Russian mafia on the Internet, but not the service that generates the biggest part of your revenues. Therefore, mobile operators are not protected enough on these networks, and can be compromised this way.

SPIEGEL ONLINE: One GCHQ document says that the intelligence service would like to be able to implant software on any device based "just on the MSISDN," or the phone number. Do you think that's feasible, given what we know about the current capabilities of the GCHQ andNSA?

Langlois: Yes, since intelligence agencies are routinely buying previously unknown vulnerabilities from the gray market (it's called zero day exploit trading), they probably have some of them which enable compromise of some or most of the target operating systems or standard applications of these phones.


China calls for the world to 'de-Americanize'

I mean, what exactly is the idea? That Ben Bernanke honestly tried to fight unemployment by stuffing the accounts Wall Street banks have with his own Fed, full of excess reserves? Because that’s all QE has resulted in in practical terms, isn’t it? I know that it has probably affected the “mood” in the markets somewhat as well, but is that really something Bernanke should fake? Is that part of his mandate as well, to fool people into believing things? I don’t see how.
Really, how wrong can a man in his position be before he’s pushed to look for alternative employment? And don’t look for any relief from Janet Yellen either, she’s been part of that same Fed all these years that continues to hand out $85 billion a month and has nothing to show for it other than some perceived moodswing and those bloated excess reserve accounts. Here’s what Yellen will say today in her nomination hearing before the Senate Banking Committee:


1 comment:

  1. Team America at this 'Game' since 1913, and ITS' over for NSAPRISMUSA
