FRAUDCLOSURE was to steal all of America so the wars could go on forever and ever. "Jr" said so, in our life times we get to have HIS Christian Crusade forever and ever.
What do we get with the BANKING FRAUD FROM THE NYT? Quite the same agenda AS wars without end since the end game is all the same. PORTFOLIO RETIREMENTS FOR THE JUDICIAL TANKED IN THE WARS WITHOUT END, TOO.
Now at long last can we expect some JUSTICE FOR REAL? LAWYERS NOT LIEYERS IN AMERICA come on when do the eyelids awaken from narcolepsy and see the reality enema that has been given to U$ now, SEE KAREN HUDES NYT
JPMorgan Pays
Published: November 20, 2013
The long-awaited $13 billion settlement with JPMorgan Chase over
allegations of misrepresentation in the sale of mortgage securities is
hardly a cure-all for the damage inflicted on homeowners, investors and
the economy by fraud, predation and other wrongdoing during the bubble.
It is, however, a likely precursor of similar payouts from other banks,
and it provides at least some cash for investors and a measure of relief
for struggling homeowners and communities. Where it falls short is in
its failure to hold individuals accountable.
In an important step, JPMorgan acknowledged that its employees knowingly
packaged toxic loans into mortgage-backed securities and sold them to
unwitting investors. JPMorgan also acknowledged similar conduct by Bear
Stearns and Washington Mutual, two banks it bought during the crisis.. These acknowledgments represent a level of accountability missing from
other settlements. The settlement leaves open the possibility of future
civil and criminal charges against individuals, as well as criminal
charges against the bank. But the bank did not admit any violations of law and no individuals have been identified, except by titles like “executive director” and “managing directors.”
A good deal of credit for the settlement belongs to New York’s attorney
general, Eric Schneiderman, without whom there may never have been a
payout from JPMorgan at all. In 2012, Mr. Schneiderman refused to go
along with a plan by federal and state authorities to draft one master
settlement with several big banks, including JPMorgan Chase, for a wide
range of mortgage violations.
With the support of other holdout state attorneys general, Mr.
Schneiderman was able to focus the terms of the master settlement on
foreclosure abuses, leaving government investigators free to look into
violations related to mortgage securities. More important, his stance
challenged a reluctant Obama administration to expand its moribund
investigative efforts.
At $13 billion, the settlement is the largest ever
between government officials and a single company, but it represents
only about half of the bank’s profits in 2012 and much less than the
additional revenue generated since its purchases of Bear Stearns and
Washington Mutual. It is a black eye for the bank, but not particularly
punitive. And it does not preclude JPMorgan from deducting most of the
cash settlement from its taxes.
Of the total, JPMorgan will pay $9 billion to federal and state agencies
and other investors who lost money on the securities in question,
including a $2 billion fine for dubious securities sold by JPMorgan
itself. New York’s share of the cash is $613 million,
which Mr. Schneiderman has said will help pay for legal counseling for
families facing foreclosure, restore blighted neighborhoods and assist
in housing needs related to Hurricane Sandy.
The remaining $4 billion of the payout is not cash, but relief in that
amount to homeowners and communities. It could be less than meets the
eye because JPMorgan will get credit for relief it probably would have
provided anyway. New York’s share of the relief will amount to $400
million, which, if properly administered, could help many families keep
their homes.
In all, the settlement is surely more than JPMorgan ever wanted to pay. Just as surely, it puts other banks on notice.
Americans sold wars and digital fraud and all the while the NYT is MIA almost all the time fooling the people night and day 24/7/365