Thursday, November 21, 2013

Debt and Downgrades: UKRAINE is owned by Russia, EU didn't you get the spyware from NSA about IT!?

On Monday, EU foreign ministers are discussing the Ukraine situation at their meeting in Brussels.

And the EU's next Eastern Partnership summit is scheduled for November 28 in Vilnius, Lithuania.

Here, the fate of Tymoshenko will also be the main topic of discussion between EU and Ukranian leaders. The European Union made Tymoshenko's release a condition for the signing of a Association Agreement with Kyiv. Such an agreement would create a free trade zone with Ukraine as is the preliminary step toward EU membership.

Ukraine’s depreciating currency reserves and massive deficit have put it close to economic collapse, and an IMF bailout of between $10-15 billion seems more and more likely.

Ukraine’s government reserves are so depleted they may no longer be able to keep Naftogaz afloat, and may be forced to find a foreign buyer.

The worsening outlook has prompted the big three rating agencies to downgrade their outlook on Ukraine.Fitch downgraded Ukraine’s long-term foreign local currency issuer default rating to ‘B-‘ from ‘B’ following S&P’s downgrade of its debt rating  to ‘B-‘ to the same junk level as Greece and Cyprus. Moody’s cut its rating to Caa1 from B3 in September putting them at “very high default risk”.

US money manager Franklin Templeton has picked up $5 billion of Ukraine’s international debt, nearly a fifth, the Financial Times reported.

Russia holds a significant portion of Ukraine’s sovereign national debt.

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