Monday, November 11, 2013

"EMANATA DEFICIT" The Asking NY 'TIMES': JUDGES' Wear Robes, LAWYERS' Don't Know Real Law & Are Therefore, LIEYERS, & B.A.R. [British Accredited Registry] ? &

WOW America BOWING To The Vatican & U$-ZioCon$ & Jewry Political & Political Ponerology & WHAT!  Mormons Just Bought How Much of State of Florida!!

BUT We The People Are Not Remotely Able To PASS The U.S. Constitutional Muster & ITS' 2013 !!

The power of the STATE is the excessive power of its hand picked judges~
Obama and his wife are law society goffers, Tony Blair and his wife are law society goffers , Clinton and his wife are law society goffers and David Cameron, an Eton groomed toff, has even more power than former prime ministers thanks to his indoctrination into the satanic teachings going on just along the road from the old witches tower in Windsor, and where her henchmen indoctrinate future Prime Ministers into the art of duping the sheeple into believing they have a democracy.

The British royals are behind a global law society and THEIR legal system centred and controlled in London , enforced by the secret bidding of the freemasonic cabal of royalist henchmen ensuring ONLY her , her parasitic offspring and henchmen remain the richest despots on the planet. EVERYTHING else pales and is a massive smokescreen to hide the REAL terrorists made up of a bunch of judicial lackeys poncing around in their robes and regalia not realising that even dressing up a turd doesn't change its constituent parts. 
Royal parasite thanks her hand picked judicial lackeys for screwing millions of men in secret family court hearings

You will hear them wittering on about the need for judges to be independent of the state . That THEY, who have given themselves untold powers by stealth while eroding the jury system, mask the unbridled powers of a judiciary hell bent on protecting the ruling establishment while manipulating THEIR laws to enslave the peasantry.

We've got trouble.  Right here in America.  Call Paul Revere we're in fearful need of a Whistle Blower to ring in a NEW REVOLUTION.

The old one has gotten buried in the past for far too long.

The publishers of The New York Times, from left to right: Adolph S. Ochs (who ran the newspaper from 1896 to 1935); Arthur Hays Sulzberger (1935-61); Orvil E. Dryfoos (1961-63); Arthur Ochs Sulzberger (1963-92); and Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr. (1992-present).

The publishers of The New York Times, from left to right: Adolph S. Ochs (who ran the newspaper from 1896 to 1935); Arthur Hays Sulzberger (1935–61); Orvil E. Dryfoos (1961–63); Arthur Ochs Sulzberger (1963–92); and Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr. (1992–present).The Moose in the Room

Here, in a nutshell, in the words of a veteran Times staffer, is what is supposedly wrong with Arthur: “He has no rays”—rays, as in the lines cartoonists draw around a character to suggest radiance, or power. In the comics trade these lines are called “emanata.” The emanata deficit is a standard insider lament about Arthur, although most Times people need a few more words to make the point.

Photo illustration by Chris Mueller; digital colorization by Lorna Clark. Photographs, from left: From the Museum of the City of New York/Getty Images; from Bettmann/Corbis (3); by Andrea Renault/Globe Photos; from Granger Collection (background headlines). All other newspapers: From Bettmann/Corbis.  

WHY THIS WON'T CLICK?  please cut & past for this story >>

  1. News for story mormons purchase florida

    1. RT ‎- 2 days ago
      A sect of the Mormon Church is poised to become the largest private ... of Florida after spending more than half a billion dollars to purchase ...

  2. Mormon Church to buy nearly 400,000 acres in Florida Panhandle ... › Orlando & Central Florida News
    3 days ago - Mormon Church to buy nearly 400000 acres in Florida Panhandle, ... More Orlando News: Central Florida breaking and local news Next Story ».

KH: That’s just because the mainstream media, when they report about what’s going on, are doing it by telling lies and anything that’s good for the powers that be. The mainstream media is completely owned and controlled by the same companies, private companies that own the Federal Reserve System. Most of the American citizens are clueless about the corruption that’s rifling their economy.

KH: The problem is not with the American citizens, they are a wonderful group, their values are good. It’s just that they are not given the tools that they need to have a just society. They are not given the basic information about what is really going on and who is benefiting from the economies that they are being told… they are being told that they have no money, they have taken an entire city, Detroit, and declared it bankrupt. When what’s actually happening is their tax dollars are not even staying in the society, their tax dollars are going by treaty to the United Kingdom, and then they are being transferred to the Vatican, to the bank of the Vatican. This is not a society that is going to be sustainable on any basis, for any reason


And her real name and her real name is:  QUEEN PIRATE of the UNITED KINGDOM !!  That was what the COVE OF GREAT BRITAIN was about, Pirates then and the VIKINGS wiping the horror of species Homo Sapiens didn't get rid of the human filth, no they returned stronger each time so ITS' best to keep 'em in the full transparency now of the Century Twenty One SOOOOO the change HOPED for can actually be fulfilled as should be

1 comment:

  1. There are NO RAYS in America's News & So We Must Grow Up & Realize The Century Twenty-one HAS Indeed Fully Exposed Our Problem/s To Solve And The Many Seeming Insurmountable Actually IS But, One In REALITY: MONY SOVEREIGNTY is digital electronic units DEUs To All Homo Sapiens & Not Exclusively Anymore To The Pirate Queen Et Al
