Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Hounds of Hell Have Declared WAR

Obama, Netanyahu battle in Congress over Iran
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (L), US President Barack Obama (R)
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (L), US President Barack Obama (R)
However, some Republicans have vowed to bring the sanctions bill up as an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act, which the Senate voted 91-0 on Monday to advance and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada) wants to be passed before the Senate’s Thanksgiving break >>  http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2013/11/19/335475/obama-netanyahu-battle-congress/

John Kerry postpones visit to Israel
US Secretary of State John Kerry
Saudi Prince Bandar’s Mideast crusade
Sun Nov 17, 2013, Left reeling from his failure to promote yet another senseless war in the Middle East by encouraging Washington to launch a military assault against Iran under the pretext that Tehran is developing a nuclear bomb - such fantasy has been flaunted by both Saudi Arabia and Israel as to promote their Zionists agenda in the region and bring down the last bastion of Islam - Saudi Prince Bandar and his brother, the Deputy Defense Minister Salman bin Sultan have been actively supervising the establishment of a new special military unit: Mohammed Army, which will act as an extraterritorial military force to the Kingdom and by extension its Zionist allies. 

1 comment:

  1. How to know when to get cover? Study the important dates the most superstitious of our Homo Sapiens Human Freaks Of Nature worship. Don't think the criminally insane are going to get sane. That would be totally insane thinking.
