Thursday, November 7, 2013

Israel State Failed & ITS' Vassal America Failed State Too

There Are No Secrets
By Jim Kirwan

In the universe of life there are billions of stars that have the capacity to support life as we know it. 

Tent Cities in U.S. While We Give Billions Away In Foreign Aid

In 2010 the U.S. gave away some 55 Billion dollars to countries all over the world.

In addition to all the homeless - many of them veterans - there is always the subject of the abject poverty in hundreds of U.S. inner cities.
Not that I believe in government welfare at all, but since we do it anyway, I ask a simple question; HOW can our government justify giving away one PENNY to ANY foreign nation while our own citizens live this way?

And the ultimate irony is that most of our homeless people paid taxes at one time WHICH WERE USED TO GIVE AWAY AS FOREIGN AID!


I can't be the ONLY one who sees the immoral, un-constitutional and criminal nature of what our congress does with our tax money, when they give it away by the billions and billions every year.

Rotten organizations like U.S.A.I.D. petition congress for the funds and congress always approves it.

Then it goes to foreign governments who ultimately don't even feed their people with it, but use it to strengthen their hold on the populace.

And does anyone wonder why during this "sequestration" that foreign aid has not even been mentioned?

While they cut more domestic things like air traffic control and White House Tours???
Here is a list of some Tent Cities in USA
Side Street in Dignity Village, Portland, OregonCamp Quixote, Olympia, Washington State
Camp Take Notice, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Dignity Village, Portland, Oregon
New Jack City and Little Tijuana, Fresno, California
Nickelsville, located in Seattle
River Haven, Ventura County, California
Safe Ground, Sacramento, California
Temporary Homeless Service Area (THSA), Ontario, California
Tent City, Lakewood, New Jersey
Tent City, Avenue A and 13th Street, Lubbock, Texas
Tent City, New Jersey forest
Tent City, banks of the American River, Sacramento, California
Tent City 3, Seattle
Tent City 4, eastern King County outside of Seattle
The Point, where the Gunnison River and Colorado River meet
The Village of Hope and Community of Hope, Fresno, California
Transition Park, Camden, New Jersey
Camp Unity , Kirkland, WA
Video of a New Jersey Tent City here...


  1. Digital units of electronic 'mony' for no less than a century, and far longer. What do we have in World Earth in the Aughts? What IT is and isn't supposed to be, so time we change the COLLECTIVE unconscious

  2. To learn more about our Tent City, please visit

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