Friday, November 8, 2013

New York Times & The Representative Percentage of JEWS In The United States Of America & Globally


Faces of Death: Syria Terrorist Opposition Tweet Smiling Photos of Dead ‘Martyrs’ for Fundraising, Recruitment

Recruitment marketing has hit a new low, courtesy of the terrorist militant gangs still running rampant in Syria.

Halloween came and went last Thursday, but Syria’s Islamic militant opposition fighters (many imported from outside of Syria) have been promoting their new ‘Faces of Death’ genre – enthusiastically promoted Tweeting over the social networking platform, and not a chirp from the censorship gods behind the curtain at Twitter Inc…

Ironically, Twitter has been censoring accounts in the US that criticised President’s Obamacare debacle, yet, this same corporation, and the likes of Facebook, to not only promote, but more importantly facilitating fundraising and recruitment for violent, armed terrorist enterprises in the Middle East. The Washington Post confirms: >>21st Century Wire<< Global Research, November 07, 2013 21st Century Wire 5 November 2013 Region: In-depth Report:
Jason Decrow/Associated Press
Video Negotiating With a New Iran The nation is in a different position now than when President Obama first broached the nuclear subject.West and Iran May Be Near a Nuclear Deal MICHAEL R. GORDON  Even as the two sides tried to finalize the agreement, fissures have widened between the United States and some of its principal allies over the potential pact.

  • Kerry Meets With Netanyahu
    [SIDEBAR:  Jews are tricked into funding all the wars due to Holly Wood and all the other methods of brainwashing used on the Jews, and Goyim too.  Tragic and sad, depressing-sorrowful-grief-pain, the "Jews" think that choosing to call themselves a label [IE EG US-ZioCons] as simply a chosen word-name-game in earth, provides rights that other humans' don't get that don't choose to be "Jew".  Jew is a made up ideology and so is the ideologies of all Homo Sapiens that decide the being human isn't real as a whole body of same 'species'.  Oops that is such a downer, finding out that there is only a faction when one 'tribe' of the whole decides to be the BIGGER-BETTER-BADDER than the whole of humanity.  Check the year here, "Jews" IT isn't Biblical Old Testament Times and the HOLOCAUST was real too, for all the humans and not just the Jews.  In the past centuries in earth reality, there have been more 'others' than the US-ZioCons killed in cold blooded mass murder.]

1 comment:

  1. All the MONY making avenues Wall Street & Government Global Service Enterprises choose to support are known by the murdering of our own species as a new normal while NETANYAHU & KOHN-Kerry meet-up to decide when to nuke the humans who stopped for the moment in peace
