Monday, November 4, 2013

"The Great American Novel HUCKELBERRY FINN" & Anti-Human-Anti-Multi-Cultural US-ZioCons

... The Widow tries to teach Huck about Moses, but Huck loses interest when he realizes that Moses is dead ....

NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND, taught in the public schools of course teaches the student children about THE GREAT AMERICAN NOVEL ???????????????????


Moses ?  No, the works of Mark Twain are far superior than the works of those that can't be authenticated in reality - other than the works of sheep herders in times that were far more like today, and more and more with the THIRD GENERATION Tim Geithner protege of Heinz Kissinger.

THE GREAT AMERICAN NOVEL, the time has arrived for our new generation of Americans to get into the reality of NOT DEAD and become a living spirit like Mark Twain.

OLD TESTAMENT IDEOLOGIES are not working in this time.

to be continued

1 comment:

  1. HUCKELBERRY FINN, Great American Novel, MARK TWAIN.

    US-ZioCons aren't about the culture of fine art and the evolution of the human being genius as Homo Sapiens walking upright in earth, the USZC are about destroying whatever culture has grown the species into higher thinking. Higher thinking INDIVIDUALS' co-create in an energy of mystery and the lower thinkers are predators that have lost their minds from practicing the Moses Metzitzah b'peh and teaching this crime of mutilation
