Sunday, November 10, 2013

'US-ZioCon-Jewry-Political Agenda/s': STOP! NOW!! ALL 'Mony DIVERSITY' Fraud ~IE Homo-Sexual Gender-Bending TO Cover-Up Stealing America's U.S. Constitution ~ Article I, Section IX, Clause VII, Sovereign Right To make Digital Electronic Units 'Mony' & STOP! NOW!! ~ALL Criminally Insane War Mass Murder

NOW IS THE TIME to STOP the Jews from ruling (and destroying) America.

Weak and retreating’ US policy on Iran is ‘bad for the Jews’ — Foxman

Foxman and the vice president at ADL centennial gala last week
Foxman and the vice president at ADL centennial gala last week

Just like weeak, Abe Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League announced that peace was “bad for the Jews.”

Bibzy Netanyahu echoed the Jewish war cry by deploring negotiations with Iran as a “bad deal for the Jews” and will be opposed by Israel and the Jewish Lobby.

>>Netanyahu: 'This Is a Bad Deal--a Very, Very Bad Deal' 

Fact is, Jewish rule is the real bad deal for America and for the entire world.

Many Americans are waking up to the stranglehold the Jews have on our domestic and foreign policy.

There ARE Solutions To Stop The Jews!

1) Require AIPAC and the ADL to register as foreign agents.

2) Jews with US-Israeli dual-citizenship must give up one or the other.

• Jews can then either choose to be US citizens of the Jewish faith or register as aliens if they keep their Israeli citizenship.

3) Jews who do give up their US citizenship and register as aliens must not be allowed constitutionally to hold government offices nor be allowed to vote.

• Jews who retain their US citizenship must swear to and sign a loyalty oath based on the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1953 which requires:

• “Renunciation” of allegiance to any foreign country to which the immigrant has had previous allegiances.

4) Citizens United must be overturned by a Constitutional Amendment so as to prevent thousands of Jewish PACS from subverting elections.

5) Cut Off Foreign and Military Aid To Israel.

• AIPAC claims that America and Israel must work together for the “common defense.”

• But what does “common defense” mean in the preamble of the Constitution? It means that Israel is NOT the 51st State of the United States of America.

• “Common defense” in the preamble means creation of a military strategy in the US to protect its citizens in case of any conflict with a foreign nation.

• The Constitution does not provide government the power to send taxpayer dollars overseas as foreign “aid” (welfare for parasitic Jewish warmongers).

• Every penny in foreign “aid” is unconstitutional. Another way of saying unconstitutional is “illegal.” But nobody likes that ’stinky constitution’ anymore, especially Jews. So people’s paychecks are sent to the ‘Jewish state’ (even as our own government nears collapse).

6) All Synagogues with Zionist ‘non-profit’ collection boxes or issuing Appeals to financially support Israel must register as foreign agents or lose their tax deduction status.

• No other religious institution — be it Church, Mosque, or Ashram — is allowed to conduct political and campaigning business on its premises, much less plot the subversion and overthrow of governments and establish a country of one’s own in a foreign land through land theft, fraud, murder and war.



Let’s get warmongering, homosexual-pushing JEWS out of OUR faces NOW!



1 comment:

  1. When human beings get broken in the IDEA and then an ideology forms to separate the MIND, then the 'human' isn't THINKING in an intention which is the attention of the ENTIRE Homo Sapien species. Louis Brandeis stole America' 'Mony Sovereignty' for the ZIONIST JEWRY POLITICAL AGENDA and now we see that crime as fruition, Flower DU Pollinating World Earth Blooming Everywhere
